
Lab Mix | Female | 3 months Old | 15 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ❌ Working on potty training! ❌ Working on crate training! ❌ No kids under 6!

Joni found her forever home on June 30, 2022!



Joni recently spent a few days with a sitter; in this environment (two adults and two resident pups), we learned Joni will need some continued help learning how to navigate the world as a young puppy. When she finds something she really wants, for example, your water glass or to dig a hole in your garden, "No" is not in her vocabulary and Joni would rather communicate with those sharp little puppy shark teeth. Since she's still young, these are behaviors that can be easily trainable, but they should be diligently worked on with her forever family to set her, and you, up for a lifetime of success. While not necessary, if you have a confident doggo at home already who would like a little puppy sister to teach the rules of the world to, this would be an ideal environment for Joni to thrive in.


Joni is doing very well! She is now a great eater. She and our resident pup eat around 7:30, and she SNARFS her food down to get ready to head outside for playtime!

She’s started going to the door and giving a little bark when she wants to go outside. She’s extremely treat motivated, and will run outside, go potty, and come back in without you having to leave the house as long as you’ve got a treat ready to go!

Now that Joni is settling in and coming out of her shell, she shows no fear now when meeting new dogs.

We’ve been working on car rides in the crate, and she takes about 2 minutes to calm down and just falls asleep now! She’s shown that she’s very trainable with some treats and lots of praise.


We typically wake up and get Joni outside pretty quickly in the morning. She's a very slow eater, but we've been hand-feeding and encouraging her to eat next to/near our resident dog. It's usually about a half hour of play time inside/outside, then she's really good about putting herself down for a nap. When she's in the house, she's confined to our main floor and we try to take her out every 20 minutes or so. If we keep this up, she has relatively few accidents and hasn't had any #2 accidents! Then we feed lunch, do some more playtime, and she goes down for another nap. We typically try to play outside for a bit, then have some dinner and do a wind-down. She sleeps all the way through the night now (usually from about 9-10pm to about 6am), and is very quick to fall asleep in her crate at night.

Joni is so excited to meet people inside and outside the home! Tail wagging, licks, jumping up to say hi, she is a very well-socialized pup. No fear that we've seen so far of anyone (men, women, children, strangers). She is excited to meet children, but can be prone to mouthing and trying to rough house (even though she's only 11 lbs!).

Joni has spurts of energy but is very good at putting herself to bed when she's tired. She does have a "witching hour" between 7-8pm, and it's tough to get her to calm down during that time. Then she hits a wall and she's OUT. Typically puppy in that she plays hard and sleeps hard!

Joni takes a short moment to acquaint herself with other pups, but as long as the other dog isn't too rambunctious towards her (she's small!), she quickly wants to run and play with them. Her play is a little bit noisy, and she does bark for attention (which we are working on), which is why probably not best for an apartment. She also gets pretty upset in the car right now, but does better in a covered crate in the car. Typical puppy behaviors in terms of wanting to chew non-toys, but re-direction works well. Has not had a chance to interact with cats, but does very well with other tolerant dogs. Loves meeting new people and doesn't seem scared of anyone!

She is crated right now when we leave, and it does take her 5-10 minutes to calm down. Then she pretty much falls asleep until we come back. We've only left her for about 3 hours at this point, which is the highest we'd go in such a young pup.



