
Australian Cattle Dog Mix | Female | 4 months Old | 12 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Good in the car! ❌ Some separation anxiety


Jolie found the best family on December 4, 2020!

We get up around 6:30am and promptly go outside. Jolie then eats breakfast 20-30 minutes later. Play time is dispersed throughout the day, with naps here and there. Her preferred place to nap is my lap. Dinner time is at 6pm. In the evening she typically wants to nap and have a play session after dinner.

Jolie pretty much always wants to be with me in the home unless she is eating something, or she is sleeping in her kennel at night. Outside she looks at the joggers, walkers, and cyclists who go by and sometimes barks at them.

Jolie does not have exposure to children or cats.

Jolie has a medium to high energy level. She needs to play at least a couple hours a day. When she is not overly excited, she will follow tug directions from the leash fairly well, although she does become easily distracted by sticks and prefers to have some choice in where she goes.

I have not experienced how Jolie behaves with other dogs inside the home and have only seen her get excited about other dogs passing by when we are outside.

Jolie does not like to be left alone. Unless she is occupied with food/toy or has fallen asleep, when I leave the room (even to sit on the other side of a gate) she gets upset and begins whining and barking. I did leave her in the crate with a peanut butter filled Kong while I ran an errand, and she was whining when I returned.

She has an overbite so she may require dental work around 5-6 months old. The canine teeth might require extraction or capping once her adult teeth have erupted.

Jolie is very affectionate and wants to have as much of your attention as she can. She is still learning the rules as to how she should behave and how to play independently. She is vocal in her displeasure and enjoys toys that make noise.



