
German Shepherd Mix | Female | 10 Months Old | 49 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs and kids! ✔️ Can free roam when alone! ✔️ House trained! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Great running buddy! ❌ Working on leash manners


Jenna found her people on August 29, 2020!

Jenna typically wakes up pretty early, she is the one to wake us up around 8-9 am if no one is up yet. She is then let outside to go potty. Typically, she will only go potty in the same few spots she knows well. Then we come back inside and hang out for a bit, she just lays in one of the dog beds in our house or follows us around. Eventually, we will make it in the backyard to play with our other two resident dogs. Jenna is catching on to fetch well, she is learning that the Chuck-It isn't a toy. The best way to wear her out is either chasing other dogs around or playing fetch. Sometimes she doesn't fetch and will let you know when she's not in the mood by not running after anything. Typically, we try and get her in the backyard for 2-3 hours a day since she has a bit of energy. At night, she has full range of the house with the other dogs and does great. We usually find her curled up in one of the dog beds or sometimes the couch.

She is a neighborhood favorite. Everyone loves her calm, sweet demeanor! She has interacted well with all the neighborhood kids (ages 2-6 years old) but hasn't had constant interaction with them. She can be a bit much at times for small kids when she has a ton of her energy when her sweet, calm demeanor isn't so sweet. She loves all the pets and cuddles she can get, sometimes she seems to want to be a lap dog. She hasn't ever nipped at anyone, she seems to be more relaxed.

Jenna is a very energetic dog, but don't let it fool you she is also one for nap time. She needs lots of mental stimulation and exercise to keep her calm. If she doesn't get out enough and has too much energy, that is when she can get a tad destructive or just a bit much to handle. She hasn't wrecked anything in our house, but if kept to a constant, busy schedule she does well. She loves to chase everything and anything like small rodents. On a walk that chasing behavior continues and she will pull towards anything of the type. She also has been getting better at stopping less, but still needs to be worked on tremendously. She will stop and sniff every last blade of grass on a walk if you let her. When a dog walks by, she tends to pull and bark, but is getting better at it, with more socialization she will be great!

Jenna currently lives with two older, grumpy dogs. She at times can get them to play with her, but when they're not in the mood, she picks up on the cues quickly. She absolutely loves to play and chase with other dogs in the backyard. She hasn't interacted with cats, but since she does have pray instincts, might not be the best, but can test if needed.

When we leave the house Jenna is left to roam with the other dogs, she does well. She hasn't chewed on anything since we've had her, she does really well. Sometimes if we're going to be gone for a while for part of a workday or something, we will leave Jenna a Kong treat toy and a bone to occupy her for a bit. Typically, when we come back she's just lying in her bed. Since she has higher energy, we like to let her roam and play to release some of that while were gone.

She would do best with an active family who will keep her occupied. Someone who will work with her and train her. Realize her breed is a very energetic, working dog breed that needs constant stimulation. Jenna is fully potty trained. She has had 2 accidents in our house, both were when it was raining outside and we were home, other than that she does great. She needs an active family who will keep her stimulated since she is a very active dog that needs to keep her mind busy. Jenna is a quick learner; we've been working with her on keeping her in our yard and she has learned the bounds quickly. She knows to sit, lay down, shake, come and we're working on stay, leave-it, rollover.



