
Terrier Mix | Female | 8 months Old | 8 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ❌ Working on potty training!

Jello found her forever home on June 19, 2022!



Jello continues to be a sweet and lively little girl!

She's slowly but surely getting better about indicating when she needs to go potty, and is learning important boundaries about what is ok to chew on and what isn't.

Some new things we've learned as she's settled in:

She met some neighbor children (5 and 3 years old) last week and was completely smitten with them. Jello came to us already with well developed bite inhibition, so even though she does get mouthy when playing, it's very gentle.

She will bark if she hears other dogs barking. Her voice is like a bulldog inhaled some helium, which we find hilarious.

Jello is just so happy to be wherever the people are, to the point of being very under-foot as we walk around. She's just as happy to be carried around, though, if you're worried about tripping over her!

While I do think Jello would be happy to have a dog sibling to play with, she does have dominant tendencies and would do best with either a very submissive sibling, or a very calm alpha dog who can teach her good boundaries. She could also be fine as an only dog, as she really bonds with her humans! Just be prepared for ALL THE KISSES!


Jello is a pretty typical puppy, with a few things to keep in mind. She is a happy pup, super sweet, and VERY confident! The first day home with us she spent brazenly exploring any room that was open to her, though she was always excited to run back to us when we called her name. She also felt comfortable enough that first day to show us her belly for some rubs. So she's extremely trusting of people.

She is not shy in any way, and is excited to meet every person and dog she sees. She loves to give kisses! She also loves to be near her humans, and has a tendency to follow around the house and get under-foot. She's so small but so unafraid, making it easy to trip over her.

She loves to cuddle and curl up on a lap, but also has plenty of energy and needs to play. Her favorite toys have a squeaker that she can squeeze incessantly, and she loves little stuffies that she can nibble and suckle on while she settles down. She is also very interested in anything she can chew, and needs to be given options so she doesn't decide to start chewing on the wrong things (she's sampled some notebook, office chair, phone cord, sofa, and more!).

Jello LOVES to play with other dogs, though only one of her foster siblings is a willing participant. She would love a dog sibling who would wrestle with her and even snuggle. That said, she has displayed some food and resource guarding, so it will be important for her family to work through that with her. She does have a favorite human, and that human can be something to guard as well.

We have only heard her bark if another dog starts barking first. Overall she's a fairly quiet dog, other than some VERY convincing whimpering from her crate when she knows the humans can hear her. She does settle down in her crate after a bit.

Potty training is in progress, and I would fully expect accidents in a new environment. She has learned that jingling a bell on the door tells the humans they should let the dogs outside. But she hasn't learned that she should go outside EVERY time she needs to potty.

Jello is a tiny pup, and can fit through and under small crevices. She's also quite interested in exploring those crevices. For that reason, she is never off a leash even in our fenced yard. As small as she is, she's also incredibly quick. If she were to slip under the fence and dash off, it would be very difficult to catch her. Jello's forever home will need to be dedicated to keeping her safe.

Jello was positive for Anaplasmosis, a tick-borne disease, in April but is not showing any clinical signs. A positive result for Anaplasmosis just indicates antibodies to this bacteria, not necessarily active infection. Per our rescue protocol, she is currently being given a round of antibiotics.

When it comes down to it, Jello is just the sweetest little girl! She's so affectionate, cuddly, and playful. She's all the things we love about puppies! And she also has a lot to learn and endless confidence. She needs a family who will provide boundaries and structure for her so she can become the best version of herself.



