
Chihuahua | male | 6 months Old | 11 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Loves to snuggle! ❌ Working on potty training!

Ian found his forever Valentines on 2/13/2023!


Ian and I wake up and he goes outside, he eats breakfast and I get ready for work and then take him back out again. Depending on the day, Ian and I snuggle into the couch while I'm in meetings and then we play. If it is a day that our resident dog is home, then the two of them will play while I'm in meetings. We go outside every few hours, partially to get him used to the colder weather and partially to get him to go to the bathroom. He has dinner around 6pm and then a snack around 9pm, he probably doesn't need this but our resident dog gets one so Ian also gets one. Ian does sleep in bed with me. He snuggles in next to me and stays there the entire night.

Ian has met a lot of new people, it takes him a few minutes to warm up to them, they need to get down to his level and let him go to them; but he hasn't met anyone he hasn't liked. I haven't seen him with little kids, but as long as they are respectful and move slowly, I think he'd be great with them.

I haven't seen him with young children, but he has met a lot of teenagers (all very tall and somewhat loud) and has done great with all of them. I think that as long as the young children are respectful and move slowly that he'd do great with them.

Ian is a pretty low energy guy, or at least has been so far in my home. He loves to chase toys that you throw for him, he'll even sometimes bring them back to you so you can throw them again. He will sit and chew on them by himself, he loves getting the stuffing and squeaker out of them. Ian is still learning to walk on a leash and it's been extremely cold, so we've only gone on short walks so far. I think he would love a fenced in yard that he could run around in.

He's only played with our resident dog so far (our resident dog is younger, 30+lbs heavier and is extremely high energy) and he's plays very well with him, and Ian makes it known when he's ready to settle down for a while. Ian has seen one other dog while we've been on a walk. He tried to chase after him to play with him. He seems to like being with other dogs, but also does well when he's the only dog.

Ian hasn't met any cats while he's been with me.

Ian hasn't been left alone often or for a long period of time yet. We do crate him and it does take a few minutes for him to calm down.

Everyone who has met Ian has fallen in love with him. He's super sweet snuggle bug. I'm hoping that potential adopters will understand that he is a nervous little guy at first and will give him the little extra time for him to come out of his shell, because once he does, he is the sweetest pupper!!



