
Pomeranian Mix | male | 2 Years Old | 10 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Walks well on leash! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ✔️ Could live in an apartment! ❌ Working on potty training!

Cotton found his forever Valentines on 2/13/2023!


We are early risers and take Cotton for a walk around the block by 5am or so. He generally only pees on this walk. Back inside the house he and our other dog will spend the next hour or so playing with each other, having a wonderful time together. We take him for a quick walk just before heading to work around 7:30am, during which he usually poops. When we are gone all day at work/school we will either leave him in the crate or in a closed room. In the crate there are no accidents. In the closed room we will leave a pee pad, which he may use, but not always. Cotton goes out again around 5pm for a walk. He roams the house until bedtime around 9pm. Another quick walk prior to bedtime. Again, we alternate between the crate and the closed room at night. He is quiet and sleeps through the night. We feed Cotton dry food, and leave his bowl filled with food at all times as he likes to eat small amounts here and there.

Like many Pomeranians, Cotton is a bit skittish when meeting new people, keeping his distance. If a new person wants to meet Cotton, we will hold him and the new person is able to pet him and Cotton enjoys the attention. When we pass people on the street while walking, Cotton largely ignores them or increases his distance from them. Inside the house, Cotton loves to be pet while sitting on your lap, but is also content sleeping on a soft chair or coach. If a new person comes into the house, Cotton will often choose to observe them for awhile from the safety of under a table or other furniture, but she will warm up to them eventually. Cotton rarely barks.

Cotton has not had exposure to children under 16 years old in our care.

Cotton is great on a leash and easy to walk. He seems to do well with walks around the block, and occasionally we go on longer walks of maybe six to eight blocks. We have another small dog in our home. Cotton and our dog love to play with each other in the morning when they first see each other. Cotton loves to sit in your lap and be pet. He will leave you alone if you need to work on a laptop or other activity, and is content chewing on a dog toy or snoozing on the couch. Cotton rarely barks and is quiet through the night.

We have a female dog of similar size and they get along great. They play with each other, sleep next to each other, and are fine if we put them both in the same mid-sized crate when we are gone. We have neighbors with two older black labs. Cotton has met these dogs and they have been fine together.

Cotton has been to my parents' home to see their cat. Cotton was aware of the cat and stayed away from her. He was not afraid of the cat, but gave her her space.

We leave Cotton in the crate when we are gone for periods of time, and he does fine. When we are all at work and at school for the entire day, we put him in our guest room. We leave pads on the floor and Cotton occasionally will pee on the pad during the day. At night, we also keep him in the guest room. He is quiet and sleeps on the bed. As an alternative, he does at times spend all night in the crate and does not have any accidents.

Cotton, like other Pomeranians we have known, is shy at first and will take a couple of days to get comfortable with people. He is a good natured, beautiful dog.



