
miniature poodle Mix | male | 8 years Old | 8 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs, cats and kids! ✔️ Can free roam when alone! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Housebroken!

✔️ Working on leash manners! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ❌ Some separation anxiety!


Adopted on October 30, 2020!

A day in the life for Henri is very chill and relaxed. He starts his day with a walk for his morning bathroom break and then patiently waits while his morning food is prepared. He spends the majority of his day sleeping or playing with toys either by himself or with a willing human, has another, slightly longer, walk for his afternoon bathroom break. He eats his dinner and then snuggles up as close to his humans as he can find until it's time for bed.

Henri loves all humans, even the small ones. He is very eager to meet every human when out on walks, even with a quick sniff hello. He is very friendly and not too overeager around kids (ages ~1 to 10 years old) and really just loves saying hi and hopefully getting some pets and scratches. He really loves to stay around his humans when inside, sometimes so close that we have to be careful when walking that we don't trip over him.

Henri is a medium energy pup; he enjoys playing fetch (though sometimes gets over-excited and doesn't bring the toy back) and running around. He usually goes on 2 walks a day and does well walking on a leash. He does like to stop frequently on walks in order to mark his territory, and when another dog or person is approaching, he will pull on his harness to try and go greet them. We have been working on the pulling, but it is still a work in progress.

Henri does really well with the 3 resident cats. When first getting acclimated to the foster home, he mostly left the cats alone - running right past without paying them much mind. After getting more comfortable, he will sniff the cats, let the cats sniff him, and now will occasionally playfully chase the cats. He has also been very good at respecting the cat's boundaries, especially early on, as they were starting to get used to him. Henri has also become friends with many of the neighborhood dogs of all sizes. He is very happy to meet them and will play, but also enjoys watching the other dogs play with each other.

Henri is not a fan of being left alone. He will bark and get anxious waiting for his human to get back, he will settle down after a little bit, but may bark again later just to check to see if his human is back yet. If he is in a room with a closed door, he will scratch at the door to get out. Also, if he is in a room with a shorter gate, he has been able to figure out how to climb over them if he can manage. Henri does well being able to free roam when alone, even if it's in a more defined section of the house such as the basement.

Henri may be missing a majority of his teeth (he is a soft-food & canned-food only dog) but that doesn't let it slow him down. He loves his humans with every inch of his tiny body and enjoys nothing more than snuggling as close to his humans as possible. He will make an amazing addition to any loving home lucky enough to adopt him.



