
Bull terrier Mix | Female | 3 months Old | 12 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Good with kids! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner!

❌ Some separation anxiety! ❌ No apartments!


March 23 marks Greta’s adoption day :)


Greta continues to make progress with becoming housebroken as she now scratches at the door when she needs to go out. She loves to snuggle and she is starting to pick up on the game of Fetch! Greta has enjoyed sunbathing on these warmer days and likes to play in the snow.


Greta is really settling in! She is getting much better in her crate during the day. She still whines if we put her in there but it is subtle and she is generally accepting.  She is making progress being crated at night as well. She doesn’t bark as long or as often anymore. She still protests, and has a ways to go in her training, but progress is being made.

Greta met three adult family members. She was curious when they came in the door and her tail wagged. When they tried to pet her she backed off and went in the other room and barked a little bit. Within the hour she had made friends with all the new adults.

Greta also loves to walk now. Her walks are still short because of her age but she is getting used to the leash and she is loving all the smells the outdoors has to offer. She has a pretty good dog-sense it seems. She will shy away from dogs who present with a lot of energy to meet her and wag her tail towards the dogs that are eager to meet her but present with a calm energetic demeanor. She could still care less if a human walks by and if she does notice another human she tends to keep her space.

With the weather warming up she spends a lot of time outdoors on a tether while the kids are playing in the yard and loves to hang out with them. She entertains herself and plays tag with the kids. Being outside more has helped with potty training. We continue to take her out often and will stand outside with her until she goes potty if she is reluctant about it at first.  Many times she will run outside go potty and come right back to the door.  

Greta pretty much sits every time she sees a treat or food.  She has her favorite toys like the nylabone and a stuffed snake.

Greta is a lover. She gives 10K kisses a day. She is independent but will cuddle on your lap. She has a lot of personality and she is fun to watch and she has the most gorgeous brown eyes. She is so excited to find her forever home. Will that be you?


Hello! I am Greta. When I wake up in the morning I go outside immediately. My foster family does not even let me get my paws on the ground, straight outdoors! I pee, I come back in and eat, and then I go outside straight away to finish my business. The rest of my day includes play, eat, nap, play, eat nap. Snuggle up to a human in bed for nighttime. I do not like my crate so I get to sleep with my foster family. This is so great because I don’t bark and I sleep through the whole entire night without accidents and without waking up. Oh yeah, and during the day I do love to chew on Nylabone toys! They are my favorite and I can easily be redirected with one of these if I am chewing on something I am not supposed to be chewing on because I am still learning.

I like people when they come into the house. I slowly go up to them and give them a good sniff, I might bark a little but then I am ready to play and engage with them. I like giving everyone kisses. I don’t really care about people I see on my brief walks.

As you know, I am a puppy, so I nibble/chew on just about everything including toes and socks if I can’t get to the toes, and sleeves, and pant legs and, well, I explore just about everything with my mouth so I can get a little too nippy with the 3-year-old. When I am calm, I like to cuddle with both kids and adults. At this point, I am calm more often than not. Oh, and when the 3-year-old takes my food while I am eating (he thinks it’s funny, weird) or my toys when I am chewing, I don’t mind at all.

I play hard and then I conk out. I like to play outside for a bit and explore the yard but I get cold quickly being so little. My foster family has taken me outside for a leash walk and I do ok for short spurts, but they generally end up putting me in the stroller or holding me because I would rather bite at the leash or stay put. With time I am sure I will warm up to walks!

I missed my siblings a lot when I first got to my foster family. I whined and searched for a couple days before settling in. I haven't played with another dog since. The dogs I see on walks I don't pay attention to. Given how much I loved my siblings I think I would really like to play with other dogs but haven't had much exposure to that yet.  We don’t have cats at my foster home.

I haven’t been left alone much at all. My foster family leaves for about an hour or two a couple times per week and I hate it. They put me in my crate and I bark. They also tried leaving me in my crate when they went to bed and I barked and I barked until they opened that crate door! I am much happier with my humans. I will love, love, love you but will need some extra care getting used to be alone.

My family says I have “kennel cough” so I’m taking this pill to help treat it. I’m already on the mend thanks to the meds!

I am learning so much. I am doing pretty well going potty outside and I can hold it all night long. I don't always chew on my dog toys, but I will if you show me what is right for me! I do not like being alone, if you must crate train me it may take time. I do like to cuddle up in bed at night with my foster family so if this is not something you want me to do I also ask that I am given time and patience to adjust because it may take me awhile. I love to play and cuddle. My foster family can tell I am really smart and I already sit for treats! I think I would do best in a family that likes to take me places, has patience with crate training, if necessary, and will keep my mind stimulated as I grow so I don't get in too much trouble out of boredom. My foster family is already impressed with my problem solving skills! Can't wait to meet my future family!

Greta’s mom had a DNA analysis showing 50% bull terrier, 25.1% chow chow, 8.1% American foxhound, 6.0% German shepherd, 10.8% supermutt. We do not know the breed of Greta’s dad. Check out the last photo above for Mama Seairah!



