
Labrador Retriever/doberman Mix | male | 1 year Old | 45 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Housebroken! ✔️ Can free roam when alone! ✔️ Good in car!

✔️ Enjoys learning new tricks! ❌ No cats! ❌ No kids under 12 yo! ❌ Working on leash manners!


Officially adopted March 23, 2021!

Frank will happily lounge on his doggie bed next to his humans until they're ready to get up. Foster mom usually gets up around 6am, so Frank and his two whippet foster brothers get to go outside in their fenced in yard for a potty break and a quick play session and then they come in for breakfast. Frank is a "grazer" so even though his food is ready when he comes in at 6:15ish, he eats it whenever he's hungry throughout the day. Frank goes back out for one last potty break before foster mom leaves for work at 7:15am. Frank is the goodest of boys and can free roam when his humans aren't home. The doggie camera shows that Frank spends most of his day sleeping, chewing on toys, or playing with his foster brothers. Foster mom comes home around 4:30pm and it's out for a nice long walk to practice leash skills and lots of evening playtime and snuggles until bed!

Frank adores all humans. He's well trained not to jump up on people, but his wiggle butt goes a million miles a minute when new friends come to visit. Frank is equally as good meeting people inside and outside.

He previously lived with two young children, 2 and 6 years old. Frank loved his human siblings, but he would get SUPER excited when playing and sometimes be a little too rambunctious with them. Frank would love to live in forever home with kids 12 years old or older so they can help him remember his boundaries. He would be happy to have littler kids come visit though!

Frank is a professional room-reader; he'll match his energy to what's going on around him. if his family is playing, he's ready to play! If everyone is lounging around, Frank will happily snuggle (he even snuggles on command!). Because of his young age, it's important for Frank to have opportunities to burn his energy throughout the day. He's a big fan of running and chasing other dogs, playing fetch inside or out, learning new commands, or having a quick tug of war contest with his human or doggie friends.

Frank's major area he's working on right now is leash walking. Frank walks WONDERFULLY on leash at a near-perfect heel about 90% of the time. The only time Frank struggles is when he's on leash and he sees another dog. Frank does give warnings when he's getting too amped up by whining, barking, and pulling. When he's overly stimulated on leash, Frank will pull really hard, jump, and twist, and he can't be redirected until the other dog has passed. Frank's reaction on leash does not appear to be a signal of aggression, but it can be intense and is definitely a skill he will need long term support with.

He LOVES other doggos. Frank has lived with an older dog (8 years old), a middle-aged dog (5 years old), and a dog his own age (almost 2 years old). He's done wonderfully with all three. Frank also loves to have doggie friends come to visit, but he gets EXTRA excited and will need a little time to calm his body before being introduced to new dog friends to make sure he's not too much for them at first.

Frank should not have any kitty siblings. His prey drive is too strong.

Frank is an angel with left alone. He can free roam outside of his crate or be crated if you'd prefer. He does well with other dogs in the home free roaming. Frank has never chewed on or destroyed any non-toys, though he will happily walk around with a sock in his mouth if he can find them laying about!

Frank is the sweetest, most affectionate dog who just wants to please. He extraordinarily well trained and knows all the following commands: Sit, Down, Drop It, Come, Wait, OK (release word), Place, Look, Heel, Up, Kennel up, Shake, and Snuggle. Sweet Frank will be a hard one to let go of as foster parents!



