
labrador retriever Mix | male | 3 months Old | 18 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs and kids! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Good running buddy!

✔️ Walks well on leash! ✔️ Could live in an apartment! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner!


Adopted on April 16, 2021!

Galileo wakes up when I'm ready to in the morning, and then it's straight outside for a potty break, followed by breakfast time. We usually go for a walk, then he and my resident dog wrestle for about an hour before they both crash for a nap. Throughout the day, this pattern repeats. Since he's still so young, he's fed three times throughout the day and gets frequent potty breaks when he's not napping. Leo sleeps nicely in his crate at night and gets one potty break in the middle of the night.

Galileo adores people and wants to meet everyone we pass on a walk. He's also been great with anyone who has come to our yard or house. He is young and tiny right now, so while it's okay that he wants to jump to meet people, we're working on 'paws on the ground' so that he's not annoying when he grows bigger.

He adores kids! But as with adults, he can be jumpy and mouthy, so we are working on polite interactions with kids simply so that as he grows, he's doesn't become a big dog who knocks them over.

Galileo is a typical puppy, with the energy level that comes with it. He alternates between having tons of energy and crashing for a nap. When he needs to burn energy, he needs a constructive outlet for it. Fortunately, that means he mostly instigates play with my resident dog. It also means he needs an eye kept on him when he's in play mode -- most of the time he'll chew toys, but every now and then he finds something that's not a toy, and will need to be redirected. Galileo has started to go on longer and longer walks with the resident pup and me, and he keeps on and does pretty well on a leash.

Galileo and my pup, Tatum, were fast friends. Galileo also did great with the dogs at his sitter's house. And on walks, he wants to meet every dog and play with them. He's just a happy-go-lucky pup! And he's really good about matching play styles. Tatum is a rough player, and Galileo wasted no time mouthing Tatum right back (and neither pup has taken it too far!). When my friend brought her shier dog over, Galileo played with her at a much calmer level, and he won her over quickly.  We have not seen him with cats.

He is pretty good in his crate when left alone! He's crated any time we leave the house and when we're sleeping, and he's usually very quiet. The times he doesn't love being in his crate are when he knows we're home but crating him because we can't keep an eye on him -- taking a shower, for example. He may protest a little more then.

Galileo is just a happy, well-adjusted, typical puppy. His forever home should expect to keep an eye on him since he is young and likes to explore and chew things, and will need to work with him on polite greetings as he grows. But he's a really fun, sweet puppy who will make some forever family very happy!



