
hound/husky Mix | male | 4 months Old | 20 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Good running buddy! ✔️ Walks well on leash!

✔️ Good for a beginner dog owner!


Fitz found his forever family April 13!

Fitz sleeps well in his kennel overnight and goes out at 5am for potty break then play time with his brother and foster siblings. After breakfast at 6am, he's allowed to be loose in the house with the other dogs until 7am when the workday starts. He does great and LOVES going in his kennel (aka the treat zone) and is kenneled 4 hours until lunch break then has his lunch and more play time. After another 4 hours in the kennel, he gets more play time and is learning how to play with balls etc. out in the yard. He is pretty rambunctious with his brother and plays well with the older dogs as long as they're gentle with him. Between 9pm and 10pm it's in the kennel for the night and if the brothers are feeling a little feisty, they may howl a little bit but then calm down for bed. They sleep in kennels next to each other and with one of the resident dogs in the room so they don't feel alone. Fitz is fostered with his brother Dizzy and loves playing with him, he is more of a 'people person' than a pack kinda guy and will often leave play with the other dogs to come by his foster mom.

He does great meeting new people and on the walks around town/hikes he's shown his submissive behavior but gone up to meet new people just fine. Smaller children would only be a concern because of his need to explore new things with his mouth.

He has not had any interactions with children while in Wisconsin.

PLAY!! Fitz still has the wild puppy energy he needs to get out and would do best with a fenced in yard. Being part Husky (we believe), he shows signs of higher energy levels and the desire to RUN! He and his brother will run laps and laps around the yard and seemingly never get tired! Walks have gone well with him wearing a harness, he usually walks with an experienced resident dog to gain confidence. When walked alone, he goes slow and looks to his human for guidance.

Fitz currently lives with his brother and SIX other dogs!! This gave him a wide variety of personalities to adjust to and he's done great! He is more submissive in nature so he would do best living with another dog that will help him build his confidence but not bully him around. He was curious and submissive of other dogs met on walks as well.  Fitz does not live with cats in his foster home.

He does great in his kennel and has never had an accident in it!! Fitz may grumble a little when first left if he still has energy to get out but settles in after that.

Fitz is a great boy, and as noted is more submissive as he gains confidence. He would greatly benefit from a home with a fenced yard and another gentle dog to "show him the ropes" at the whole dog thing!


Ellie Mae

