
Rottweiler | Female | 5 Years Old | 122 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Good with cats! ✔️ Potty trained! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ✔️ Can free roam when alone! ✔️ Walks well on a leash!

Fiona found her forever family on 2/17/2023!


Fiona wakes up whenever we do, typically around 7 am. She continues lounging in her favorite chair until we take her out for a morning walk or quick potty trip. She has breakfast between 7 and 8 am and settles back down for a morning nap. Fiona is happy to relax during the day and spends most of her time sleeping on her bed or chair. After another walk around the block in the evening and dinner at 5 pm and she is set for the night. Fiona happily hangs around while we watch tv and follows us whenever it is time to go to bed. At first Fiona would cry periodically at night (howling for about 15 seconds every few hours), but once we convinced her to sleep next to our bed she has been much happier and sleeping through the night.

Fiona is incredibly friendly and has been great with people inside and outside the home. On walks she is curious about people but never pulls, and when meeting strangers she is polite.

Fiona has not been with children in our home but has been friendly with children when out on walks.

Fiona is a low energy dog and is content with a walk or two around the block. She enjoys a leisurely walk and does fantastic on leash. Since having Fiona she has started to show a little more playfulness and will do a goofy little trot for about 15 seconds when excited at the park but most of the time she wants to take it easy.

Fiona is good with dogs inside and outside of the home - she is friendly and likes to be around other dogs, but so far she has only shown a little interest in playing with dogs. She has also had a lot of patience with our resident puppy who pesters her at times.

Fiona has spent a lot of time with our three cats and she has been excellent with them. The cats are still pretty scared of her so she has kept her distance and does not bother them in any way.

Fiona does not currently have a crate and is left out when alone. Whenever we check the doggy camera while out she is usually just sleeping or moving to sleep in a new spot! She has never gotten into anything or chewed something she is not supposed to.

Fiona is one of the most gentle, loving dogs I have ever met! She is a big sweetie with the cutest smile looking for her forever home to relax and cuddle in!

Fiona was diagnosed with Epilepsy in 2020 which is well controlled on her current medication (Keppra). This medication runs around $30 a month depending on generics and coupons. Annual blood tests should be completed to make sure she is continuing to tolerate the medication well. She has not had a seizure while in foster care.



