Emi Rae

Shiba inu Mix | Female | 12 years Old | 26 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Sweet blind dog! ✔️ Housebroken! ✔️ Can free roam when alone! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Walks well on leash!

✔️ Could live in an apartment! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ❌ Needs to be an only pet!


Officially adopted on January 12, 2021!

Emi Rae is an amazing, sweet older pup with a ton of spunk left in her. Emi loves to cuddle, typically sleeping either with us in our bed or at the foot of our bed. She is a very laid back dog, waking up somewhere around 9-11 am. Once Emi wakes up she gets excited to go outside and potty, coming back in to eat. Some days Emi will graze on her food throughout the entire day, other times she eats it all right after waking. She loves soft food mixed in with her food as a treat, which sometimes will help her eat better. Emi walks well in the morning and can keep up for about an hour walk before slowing down. The rest of the day until later that night, she just hangs around with us, sleeping a majority of the day. Emi does have a little playful side to her still, she loves to play with toys that squeak/ make noise.

Emi has done well adapting to loud noises while walking downtown, she initially was super frightened by all noises, but can now walk down any busy street and sidewalk perfectly fine! She does great passing people, and when people come up to pet her. Since Emi is fully blind, often she doesn't pay much attention to the individuals who come up to pet her. Also, during walks she needs someone to essentially be her "eyes" since she can't see, she will confidently walk into everything and anything. When we have people in our apartment, Emi does great with new people in our home. When it gets a little rowdy in our apartment at times, Emi Rae loves to burrow and will be found under beds and other odd spots. Emi hasn't spent any time around children while in our home.

Emi Rae is a very low energy pup. While inside throughout the day, Emi will be found sleeping and roaming around. Emi loves to be outside and roam, in warmer weather, she loves to just lay outside in the sun. In the snow, Emi does great, she loves to stick her nose in the snow and burrow her head. Emi can go on about an hour walk before she starts to slow, she walks on a leash usually well, sometimes she wants to sniff for longer periods. She typically knows when dogs are walking by and will try to pull towards them and we just give enough space so she won't get too close since all previous interactions with other dogs haven't gone well. 

Emi Rae doesn't do well with any other animals. She has had encounters with both dogs and cats and neither interaction has gone well. When in a fenced-in backyard with a dog on the other side, Emi Rae can get aggressive. When on a walk, and the dogs get too close and start sniffing each other Emi will get aggressive. She does best as the only animal in the home. She is a very dominant dog. 

Typically, Emi Rae isn't left alone too often, but when she is, she does great! When we leave, she has access to the entire house, she usually is found to be curled up on the couch or under a bed when we get back. She has never been crated since she does so well just roaming on her own. 

Emi Rae is an amazing, sweet, older, blind dog! Emi knows a few tricks such as sit, come, no, down, shake, high five, paw, spin, and up. Emi would do great with a fenced-in yard since she loves to be outside but would do well in an apartment also. Emi has escaped a fenced-in yard, by digging under the fence. Emi has learned to adapt quickly as a blind dog. She has learned the layout of our house quickly. She hates certain noises, like the fan above the stove, and will run and hide. Emi Rae is the happiest pup looking for her forever home!



