
labrador retriever Mix | male | 2 years Old | 69 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Needs to live with another dog! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Housebroken! ✔️ Can free roam when alone!

✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Good running buddy! ✔️ Walks well on leash! ❌ Needs an experienced owner!


Yenko marks January 12, 2021 as his adoption day!

On a typical day, Yenko gets let out of his crate around 7 am and will eat and go out to potty. He will lay by my side in the office while I work from home, occasionally asking for attention. He'll get let out for potty breaks mid-day and after work, but he could probably hold it through a workday if needed. After work he goes for a walk and will just do whatever my resident dog is doing, whether that's playing, asking for attention, or just more sleeping. He then goes back in the kennel around 10 pm.

People are Yenko's biggest challenge. I don’t know if he met many new people before, but he gets very scared when meeting new people now. He'll growl for maybe 15 to 30 minutes before he's willing to approach someone new. This goes better if there's another dog around that shows him it's ok to visit the new person. Nonetheless, a new family will need to expect this to take a long time to improve and for his confidence to build. He won't be making a good therapy dog any time soon. Once he trusts you, he's just a typical lab that wants to lay his head in your lap waiting to be pet and is happy to follow you around all day.

He hasn’t been exposed to children or cats while in my care.

Yenko walks nicely on a pronged collar but is always ready for a run or play. His energy seems very balanced for a dog as young as he is.

This boy loves other dogs! He's always looking for behavior cues from my resident dog and relaxes knowing she’s around. Even though she's half his size Yenko is always submissive to her. In his previous home, he relaxed around his male dog sibling as well. I think he could get along with most dogs and generally has good doggy manners. I don’t think he'd be nearly as happy without another dog friend in the home.

In his kennel Yenko keeps quiet and just takes a nap. For how clingy he generally is to me he does fine being left alone.

Yenko was treated with three weeks of antibiotics for Lyme’s disease. He hasn’t shown any clinical signs so no further treatment is needed at this time.

Yenko has yet to have an accident in the house and will go in his crate on command and doesn’t complain about it at all. He's learning new tricks to build his confidence, learning to walk nicely on a leash, and getting more reps of socialization in. He's such a good boy that just wants to be loved on.


Emi Rae

