
Pit Bull | Female | 3 Years Old | 44 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Potty trained! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Walks well on a leash! ❌ No cats!

Electra found her new family on 2/27/2023!


Check out a video of Electra here!


In our two short weeks together, Electra has really blossomed. With the help of anti-anxiety meds (she takes them with her breakfast, she's not a fussy eater), we're no longer experiencing separation anxiety. She hangs out calmly in her crate throughout the workday.

She was recently at a large gathering and loved it. There were around 10 people there, and Electra enjoyed getting attention from everyone. She was not shy.

She's so smart, training her has been a breeze. She knows "place" (she'll happily hang out there until you're done with your tv binge or workout), "Sit", "Down" (though she prefers to down on comfy surfaces... who can blame her), "Out", "Off" and "Kennel". She's learned to wait at doors until she's released, and to wait to eat her food until given the okay.


Electra wakes up between 6 and 7 am, goes out for a walk and has breakfast. She goes into her crate while I work. At lunch we go out and play some fetch. Electra is ball-obssesed and so fun to play with. She'll dance on her hind legs in anticipation and can jump super high. She's mastered the out command, so she's easy to play with. In the afternoon Electra will head back in her crate or hang out on a dog bed next to me as I finish up work. After work, we may play another small round of fetch or do a small training session. I've been so impressed with how fast she learns things. The rest of the evening she'll relax on her dog bed.

Electra loves people. She usually greets the gently and waits for pets. Though sometimes may get excited and jump up.

While in my care, Electra has not been around children. Her foster home down south noted that she regularly interacted well with kids 8+.

Electra is a medium-energy dog. Each day we get in a 30-40 minute walk, a game of fetch and a short training session. Electra is low to the ground and has used that to her advantage in the past when being walked on a harness or flat collar to drag her handler around. I introduced Electra to the prong collar and now she is a breeze to walk, she'll stick by your left-hand side and match your pace. She waits until you tell her "break" to go to the bathroom or sniff the grass. Electra would happily be your hiking buddy.

Electra does well around other dogs. She hangs out on her dog bed while around the resident dog (who prefers not interact directly with other dogs) and easily passes dogs she sees on the street, even if those dogs are barking or pulling towards her.

Electra has a high prey drive around cats. While she currently lives with two cats, a lot of management is required to keep everyone safe. I would not recommend a home with cats for Electra.

Electra loves to be around people and finds it hard to be left alone. We've been working on making her crate her safe space and her separation anxiety is getting better over time, but this is an area that an adopter will need to work on with her.

Electra is a complete gem of a dog and it's hard not to fall in love with her. She's sweet, enthusiastic and always happy to see you. She has great manners and learns quickly.


Bobby McGee

