
Mix | Female | 5 years Old | 47 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with people! ✔️ Loves to lounge! ✔️ Potty trained! ✔️ Can free roam when alone! ✔️ Good running buddy! ❌ No cats!

Daphne found her forever family 3/20/2023!



Check out Daphne playing tug-of-war here!

Daphne makes for a good running buddy! - check out the video of her going for a run here


Oh, sweet Daphne. We don’t know much about her past, but the little we do know is heartbreaking. We know she has metal fragments in her shoulder; the vet suspects this to be BB or birdshot – around four or five rounds. We don’t know much else about the first few years of her life, but she came to Wisconsin by way of a crowded Oklahoma animal shelter, and she’s now safe, waiting for her forever family to scoop her up, and shower her with all the love and affection she deserves.

In her foster home, Daphne has proven to be an expert lounger. During the day, she hangs out either with one of her foster parents while they work from home. She is pretty chill during the day and loves a good snooze sesh – but will welcome any and all the attention and pets you want to give her! When the workday ends, she goes out for a walk, followed by more lounging and napping before bed – where she enjoys sleeping on the bed with her foster parents or in a dog bed.

Daphne is currently living in a multi-dog foster home, and her foster fur siblings are not nearly as thrilled she is here as her foster humans! The Oklahoma shelter noted she did well with other dogs. However, as she’s been decompressing in Wisconsin, we have noted some reactive behaviors to some dogs while on walks. When she hears dogs barking, she seems to get a bit flustered. We recommend slow introductions if dogs will be a main part of Daphne’s life, but with her extreme love of people and attention – she’d really prefer to be the center of your world! She also has a strong prey drive towards cats and other small critters.

Daphne has mostly met adults thus far in Wisconsin, and done great with them! She did meet a few neighbor kids while out on walks and did well with them, too.

When left to free roam, Daphne has done fine. She has never tried to chew on anything she isn't supped to, ever sniffed the trash cans, or shown interest in people food or begging for it. She has access to a yak cheese and an elk antler to chew on when alone, and she will occasionally chew on those, but prefers to look out the window and of course nap. In our home, Daphne is completely potty trained and has never had an accident in the house.

Recently, Daphne discovered she enjoys playing tug-of-war! This smart girl also started to let us know if she wants something:  to go out to potty, play tug-of-war with a toy, or when she’s ready for bed.

Daphne does well in the car, but she will nervous pant. I think taking her out for joy rides to show her that car rides don’t only mean places she doesn’t like, can help her feel better about being in the car. She does enjoy sticking her head out the window and feeling the fresh air on her face and taking in all of the smells.

Daphne is a very sweet, loving, and chill dog. She likes to get out for walks or a run, but is also an expert lounger and napper. She LOVES to share a blanket with you on the couch! She will occasionally snore but it's a very cute snore! Like most of us, she does come with a little baggage from her past. Dog reactivity is a behavior that can be worked on through training and is also easily managed with minimal interaction with other dogs. Daphne can't wait to meet her forever people who will love her and give her the life she so deserves.



