
Terrier/mastiff Mix | male | 4 months Old | 33 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Good with older kids! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Good in car!

✔️ Walks well on leash! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner!


Happily ever after on October 24, 2020!


Colson continues to prove that he is the world's BEST snuggler. He is the sweetest boy who always wants to be around his humans. He's still working on potty training, but with frequent breaks outside, he rarely has accidents. He continues to sleep through his night without a sound, and really seems to enjoy being in his crate (though he'd rather be on the couch with the people!) He's also discovered that he fits under our bed and loves to play hide and seek from his humans :)

Training is going okay! He is excited to sit and shake. He's still working on other commands and recalls (since he's so young, he has a short attention span!) He is a SMART boy and eager to learn! And he's doing better on his leash - only pulls lightly and zig zags, but no reactivity. Nothing a bit more training can't fix!

Colson started off shy, and is still a little skittish, but he has come out of his shell SO much. He happily approaches new people for pets, and even though he sometimes barks at new people, his tail never stops wagging and his body language is playful and friendly. Still would recommend a home with no kids (or just older kids), just due to the fact that he is still a little shy.

He is an amazing puppy and will grow up to be an absolutely awesome dog. His forever home will be so, so lucky!


Colson wakes up when we do, which is typically around 7 am. We take him out of his crate to go outside. He does his business and comes in for breakfast (he LOVES food). Since we're both working from home, we're with him most days, so he alternates between playing with our resident dog, chewing on toys, and napping on the couch/in his crate. While we're home, we try to take Colson out every 2 hours or so. After the workday, we go on a 1-2 mile walk and/or play fetch in the backyard (we're still learning, but he's getting the gist of it). Then comes dinner and inside play time, after which he promptly passes out on the couch before we move him to the crate for the night - he sleeps in the crate without a peep when he's tired!

He takes a little bit to warm up to new people, but once Colson does, he is a total lover. He LOVES to snuggle on the couch and get belly rubs. He's kind of a skittish boy, so loud and sudden noises can scare him a bit. He does tend to bark at new people a bit, but his body language is playful. As long as people are introduced slowly, he does absolutely wonderfully. Since he is a bit skittish though, I think he'd do better in a quieter home without young kids.

Colson is a solid, medium energy puppy. He spends equal time playing/running around and snoozing. We like to run him around in the yard for about 20 minutes twice a day plus a moderate length walk (1-2 miles). He has an athletic build even as a puppy, so I think as he gets older he would be an excellent hiking/running buddy. He does pretty well on the leash for a puppy, but his attention span is a sometimes his spatial awareness isn't the best :) He doesn't pull or chew on the leash. He doesn't typically like doing his business on a leash, which might make it a bit difficult at first for an owner without a yard.

He absolutely loves chasing and playing with our resident golden retriever, who admittedly isn't too fond of playing with other dogs. He can sometimes push boundaries, but our resident dog is quick to correct him if he gets too much in her face. He has not met any cats.

Colson does very well when left alone. If he's tired, we guide him into his crate and he promptly lays down and falls asleep. If he's not tired and we need to leave, we typically give him a few ice cubes to keep him busy, cover his crate with a blanket, and play some classical music. He might cry for a minute or two but quickly calms down. He's still learning what is and isn't a toy, so we do crate him when we aren't able to keep an eye on him.

If our resident dog was more social, we would have kept Colson in a heartbeat. He is the absolute sweetest, cuddliest little guy who would love a family that will give him lots of love and attention.



