
Goldendoodle | 4 Years Old | Spayed Female | 32 lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs ✔️ Good with kids ✔️ Crate trained ✔️ Potty Trained ✔️ Good with cats


Coffee wakes up in the morning and has a bathroom break followed with some play time outside. She enjoys running with our resident dogs and playing with them and her sister, Cocoa. After an outdoor break, she will eat breakfast and rest quietly in the bedroom with Cocoa. She has a few bathroom breaks during the day and prefers to be outside when it is warmer out. Coffee initially didn’t want to come inside the house, but has since learned it is warm and safe.

Coffee is timid and scared of new humans. She is more submissive and will allow people to pet her. She has met humans as young as 9, but doesn’t care for a lot of noise. She prefers a more quiet home and will come out of her room and lay on a dog bed.

Coffee has met cats. She has sniffed them and followed their cues. Coffee loves other dogs! She will run and play with them. It has been helpful having resident dogs show her the ropes to living in a home. Coffee was nervous her first week here and is learning to trust her foster humans.

Coffee is crated in her bedroom when we leave. She feels safe in her crate.



