
Mixed Breed | 1.5 Years Old | Spayed Female | 38 lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Walks well on leash! ✔️ Loves her people! ✔️ Loves to cuddle!


Lacey is a sweet, gentle, loving dog who would do well in a home where she will be given lots of love and patience. She was very anxious when we first picked her up, but with time she has warmed up to us and shown us that she is a very friendly, affectionate girl. She loves to go on walks, play outside, get belly rubs, treats, and just chill in the same room with us. She's crate trained and enjoys going into her crate both during the day for naps, as well as sleeps in her crate all night without complaining. We haven't heard her bark or growl once; she only makes soft sounds when she's happy or to get our attention. Lacey typically takes a walk between 6-7 am, followed by having breakfast. She takes a walk around noon and again around 5 pm, immediately before having her dinner. She does not go to the bathroom on walks with us, but eliminates outside in a small area she can free roam instead, typically immediately following walks. She typically goes to the bathroom outside one final time around 9-10 pm. Her energy level is quite low, and she is happy between walks to nap or rest in her crate mostly. She can be playful when she gets the chance to run in an open space outside, though. She doesn't play with toys much on her own but does like to chew them sometimes. She mostly likes to be with her people and see what they're doing/get love from them often. Lacey would do well if given the same gentle nature she shows. Once she feels safe and warms up to a person, she is a loving, loyal companion who we believe would be easy to train.



