Cleopatra (“Cleo”)

Hound Mix | Female | 3 months Old | 16 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Good with cats! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ❌ Working on potty training!

Cleopatra found her forever home on June 30, 2022!



Cleo moved foster homes last week and is doing great! She transitioned quickly to our home and did not seem to miss her brother Tut. She has met several new dogs (pugs, golden retriever, lab and pit bull mix) and has played well with them all. She loves to chase or wrestle with other dogs.

Potty training is going really well. She has started to ask to go outside. She LOVES to be outside and sometimes asks to go out so she can lay in the sun but she also has asked so she can go potty. She also has been learning to play fetch. She loves to chase the ball and will run back to you but is still working on stopping and dropping it.

Cleo has taken several walks of about a mile and she is working on her leash manners but doing really well.

She sleeps great in her kennel all night without a peep. She also is kenneled for several hours at a time while I work from home and she is quiet. She no longer has a mid-day meal.

She loves to chew on bones and so far has not chewed on other things. She is food motivated and will come inside when called so she can have a treat and she also knows "sit".

Everyone who has met her loves her! She is adorable and such a fun puppy!


Cleo gets up between 5:30-6:30 am to eat and is let out. She will play hard for about 90 minutes and then take a nap during the morning. She eats lunch around 12:00-12:30 and will again go outside to go potty and play with her brother and our dogs. She may nap again but is a pretty active player in the afternoon and evening. She eats dinner around 5-6 pm, goes potty and plays again. Bedtime has been around 10 pm.

Cleo is friendly both in and outside of the home and does not have any hesitation to meet new people.

She has interacted with children and would need supervision (like any other small puppies, they can scratch, playfully nip). She enjoys playing with young kids.

Cleo has typical puppy energy, and needs to be let out multiple times daily to go to the bathroom to avoid accidents. She discharges a lot of her energy by playing with her brother, Tut and our adult dogs.

She appears to be submissive to other dogs and will roll over on her belly when she is around our older dogs and they set limits with her. She is friendly overall to other dogs.

She is higher energy and loves to explore and play with humans and other dogs. At the end of a play session, she is a lap dog and always finds us for snuggles.

Cleo does have a tendency to want to chase our cats. She thinks it’s a game when they run! She will need more training and supervision around cats in the home. I don’t believe that homes with cats have to be avoided altogether, but adopters should expect puppy behavior.

As a young pup, Cleo does have a good level of energy and needs regular attention during the day. She is not able to be left alone for a full work day due to her age and bladder capabilities. She is able to be kenneled and will sleep there.

Cleo and her brother are the sweetest puppies. These are the kind of puppies everyone imagines they want - cute, loving, cuddly and endearing.



