
Lab/Shepherd Mix | Female | 3 months Old | 12 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Good with kids! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ✔️ Could live in an apartment! ❌ Working on potty training!

Claire found her forever home on April 29, 2022!



Claire is a beautiful creature who’s getting more easy-going by the hour. We’ve started feeding her a heaping half cup of food in the morning and evening with chew treats in between. She continues to advance with potty training and sleep training and responds quickly to learning new tricks. She loves to play fetch and appreciates kind words and affection even more than treats. Claire continues to be incredibly responsive and reliable and very social, preferring to be near her humans whenever possible and meeting every dog in her path. Claire’s dream day involves good food, lots of outdoor time, a stroll or two through the neighborhood, and maybe a car ride with some good tunes or NPR.

Claire was evaluated by a specialist at a neurology consult because of two brief “seizure-like episodes.” After a thorough work-up, the vet concluded that these could have been low-sugar situations or due to some other non-specific cause. No medications or further assessments are needed at this time. If anything else presents, testing would be recommended at 6 months at the earliest. All of her markers were excellent at her appointment.

If you’re looking for a perfect sidekick, therapy dog or snuggle buddy, Claire’s your girl.


Claire (aka Claire Bear, Potato, Bunny, Simba, Snapping Turtle, Puff Ball) wakes up from a 7-hour sleep in her crate to go potty at 5:00 AM then snuggles and sleeps until breakfast at 7:00 AM. She'll then enjoy some outside time or go for a walk followed by some dog or human play time before relaxing again for a mid-morning nap. The afternoon is spent playing, snoozing, learning new tricks and building up her appetite for dinner around 7:00 PM. The after-dinner hours are spent strolling around the neighborhood, relaxing with a good buddy and a good movie, and then settling into the crate around 10:00 PM.

Claire is a lover of all humans. She is quick to connect and show her snuggly side.

To be clear, Claire loves humans of all sizes. She has not had exposure to babies while in my care, but all other ages of kids are a hard YES from her.

Claire is a very mature little girl; easy to understand, easy to train, easy to soothe, easy to walk on and off leash, and especially easy to pass around at a party. She is such a warm little potato as soon as she finds an open lap. This girl could be trained as an amazing therapy dog.

Claire has been interested in meeting every passing dog so far. If she comes across one that is giant or boisterous, she'll run the other way at first and then slowly return to touch noses and see what's up.

We've had the puppies limited to the kitchen and dining room and they've done great in their space, playing, sleeping, learning tricks, and eating. They love their crate and have done great in there the couple times we've left the house during the day.

A faint grade 1 (on a scale of 1 to 6) heart murmur was detected at a vet appointment in March, however no signs of congestive heart failure have been noted on physical exam or historically. Recommend adopters discuss this condition with their veterinarian prior to adoption if they have any concerns. Depending on the cause of the murmur, Claire may still outgrow this murmur, or her murmur may be present through life but never cause a problem, or it is possible her heart murmur may progress later in life.

Claire will be an amazing addition to any household looking for a beautiful loyal canine friend. She is a perfect little creature born in Stoughton from a strong southern mama who was rescued from Louisiana. She is so ready to learn the ropes in a new setting and warm the heart of every canine and human she meets. Claire has the added bonus of the most luxurious fur, gorgeous soulful eyes, and beautiful golden waves on her quintessential puppy ears.



