
australian shepherd Mix | male | 6 months Old | 18 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Walks well on leash! ✔️ Enjoys learning new tricks! ❌ No cats!


Cedric found his forever home September 20, 2021!


Cedric was recently puppysat while we were out of town, and his sitter's said: “He was a champ! Was clearly nervous as he got used to the new people and space but got over it pretty quickly. He would shadow us and hang out in my home office while I worked. When we encountered another puppy on a walk they sniffed each other and played a bit but there was no barking or fixating on other dogs while walking. He was curious about my brother’s cat but mostly gave her space.”

His sitters also reported snoring (which we can attest to!). His barking has been curbed significantly, though not without fault, when he is in the yard! He has started sleeping in his kennel in the living room at night with the resident dog because he was waking us up to play at 3am, but this adjustment has gone well for him. He wakes up with consistency between 6-6:30am every morning, so his future family will never need an alarm clock!


“Stay” is being added to his trick inventory and he is also learning “out” when he is getting into something he shouldn’t. He’s starting daycare this week to get some more exposure to new things and people.

He walks great on leash when he’s in familiar places. Bully sticks are his favorite snack. He’s turned into our shadow, accompanying his humans to every room even if it means interrupting and resuming a nap.


Cedric LOVES to please his people and takes lots of pride in performing commands like “sit”, “down”, and “come.” He’s in the process of learning “rollover.” He continues to work on not jumping. As he’s become more comfortable in his foster home and gained some confidence, he’s also feeling more comfortable using his voice and is needing help with learning now to not bark so much. As he grows, he’s playing even more rough with the cats. It may be best to have no cats for him after all. He really loves other dogs though!

He has made progress in the car – although he has FOMO and feels it necessary to sit in someone’s lap and look out the window at all times. He’s made HUGE strides on leash! He loves taking walks, but if something spooks him, he does tend to lag behind though. He almost never has accidents in the house anymore, and he’s doing very well with crate training. Cedric loves being told he’s a “good boy” and he keeps tabs on his humans at all times to make sure he doesn’t miss anything. He has the best recall of any dog I’ve ever had because he’s so eager to please his people. There is not a puppy that could possibly love snuggling more at night than Cedric, and he would love nothing more than humans who would share their bed with him. As soon as he lands in the bed, he’s out cold.

Cedric is still working on warming up to humans. He’s graduated to being equally as unsure of children as he is of adults – all people he tends to be shy of until he meets them and spends some quality time with them – unless his foster sister deems them as safe. He hasn’t been enjoying his neighbors extending their Fourth of July celebrations several weeks either.


Cedric enjoys playing hard almost as much as he enjoys intense snuggles. He is very high energy when he's in play mode, and he loves to be babied when he's tired.

Cedric loves his foster people, though he's pretty timid when it comes to meeting new people. He doesn't not like kids, but he finds their unpredictability to be a little scary. He does need a bit to warm up to other people. Thus far, he’s only met older-elementary aged children.

Cedric is still learning to walk on leash - most walks involve much encouragement even when walking with our resident dog. Loud noises and cars are scary for him. He is rather high energy.

He’s got the “sit” command on lock, and even does some performative sits when he wants a treat. He’s made huge strides in not jumping, but still is working on it. He is also learning to fetch and even teaching it to the resident dog.

Cedric loves the resident dog who treats him like a baby. They enjoy chasing, wrestling, and playing tug-of-war along with chewing on one another. When exposed to another dog on home turf, he did show some resource guarding around toys, space, and the cats. Outside of the home, he was more playful.

He does well with the confident cat - enjoys chasing/wrestling. He wants to herd cats and doesn't understand his strength yet.

He gets crated while we are gone and does well.

Cedric is a LOVE and is looking for a forever family who’s willing to give him the patience needed to help him develop into a confident pup.



