
rat terrier Mix | Female | 4 years Old | 21 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs and kids! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Housebroken! ✔️ Can free roam when alone! ✔️ Good in car!

✔️ Enjoy doggy daycare! ✔️ Good running buddy! ✔️ Could live in an apartment! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ❌ Working on leash manners!


Angie was adopted September 14, 2021!


Angie continues to do well in our home and provides us with so much laughter and entertainment. She went to a sitter over the weekend and did great with their two dogs and loved running around their fenced yard. She also has started attending dog daycare and LOVES it! Friendly Angie makes fast friends with every dog and is already a staff favorite. When she gets home, she sleeps the whole night away, preferably on the couch next to me. I would definitely recommend a day or two/week of daycare if her adopter works full-time. At the sitter and daycare, she does not show any signs of separation anxiety and gets right into playing. Angie can't wait to find an active adopter to make laugh!


Sweet and spunky Angie wakes up around 7 am with an adorable stretch and crawl. After potty and breakfast, she roams/plays before she is crated for the day. After work and dinner, she enjoys going on an adventure and plays hard throughout the evening. During this time, Angie gets let out to potty every two hours, and she has never had an accident in our home or her crate. After snuggling on the couch and giving lots of kisses, Angie sleeps soundly through the night in her crate.

Angie likes everyone of all ages/genders she meets both inside and outside the home. She is excited to meet and get attention when guests come over, even the loud maintenance man. Outside, she goes right up to people for pets with the occasional jumping up. She has never barked at anyone.

Angie has met a few neighbor children for brief meetings outside and did well with them. She really just loves anyone who will give her attention- kids included. She can accidentally be nippy when sitting on a lap giving kisses to adults, but she was not nippy with the children she met. However, she would definitely need supervision to ensure she continues to play appropriately with them and learns the difference between a lick and nip.

Angie is a high-energy dog who is a very fast runner. With some morning exercise (30 mins), she can be crated during the workday with no problem. Her energy comes out in the evening, and she needs at least an hour or two of exercise. She is scared of passing cars on walks, so we avoid sidewalks right now to prevent any issues (martingale collar recommended). She is an escape artist and can get under fences/gates. To get her energy out, she loves running in a yard/field and playing with dog friends. She enjoys walking trails but does pull and zig zag to smell everything. Angie will need continued leash training to gain confidence on sidewalks and be less distracted. This smart and treat-motivated girl has been doing well with basic command training. She does the cutest happy taping dance while waiting in a sit for a treat!

Angie does well with dogs inside and outside of the home. She lives with a 1-year-old dog who has helped to ease some of her skittishness/anxiety to new situations. She loves to wrestle (sometimes too roughly) and snuggle, so she would need a dog sibling who would play with her. Angie does enticingly steal toys and get jealous, so she would also love the attention of being an only dog. I think she would love dog daycare and dog parks!

Angie has met one cat and growled at first, but then she ran away and ignored the cat. Her previous foster also said she was scared of cats and did not engage with them.

Angie does great left alone in her crate all day and night beside a few moments of FOMO. This little snuggle bug enjoys napping in bed with me and is fine unsupervised for an hour or two if all the shoes/clothes are put away. She could very likely earn her way to free roam all the time in her future home, and she would love burrowing up to sleep in a human bed at night.

This adorable girl is already an amazing dog and with some patience to learn that her environment is safe, she will be the most loyal and loving companion!



