
Bull terrier Mix | Female | 3 months Old | 12 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Good with kids! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Could live in an apartment! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner!


Officially adopted on March 30, 2021!


This week, Cassidy has been practicing her doggie skills and getting lots of new experiences. Until the past week, Cassidy hadn't met any kids, but now she's met 10 that are two+ years old. In general, we noticed that Cassidy tends to be pretty friendly around kids but is more cautious around them than she is adults. She was lucky enough to meet a group of kids who were very excited to play with her but didn't always have the best dog handling manners. She handled this like a pro, staying calm and kind the whole time. 

Some of the skills she has been practicing are leash walking, basic commands, and potty training. 

Cassidy loves sniffing around and seeing new things on her walks. Her walking looks kind of like a stop/start pattern. She smells something and then sprints to catch up/pass us and repeat. Cassidy LOVES running on the leash, so she could potentially be a good running buddy with some practice and training.

The basic commands Cassidy is practicing are "sit," "down," and "look." She can do these fairly consistently with hand motions but does not know them well enough to do them without. We have also recently introduced "come." 

Potty training has picked up in the last day or two with Cassidy. She is starting to let us know when she needs to go out by standing at the door. She still has accidents here and there, but I don't think she will for long!

Cassidy is such a happy pup, and the more comfortable she gets at our house, the more she loves to play around, snuggle, and get the "zoomies!" She would be a fantastic addition to any family!  


Cassidy wakes up early in the morning to play with her sister (dog) and eat breakfast. She is crated with her sister while we are at work but has a potty/play/lunch break in the afternoon. After we work, Cassidy loves to play hard and nap hard. She goes to bed around 9 pm and spends the night in her own kennel.

Cassidy is starting to be a lot braver when meeting people. When we first got her, she would cower in a corner, hiding from the people she was meeting. After some practice, she prefers to greet people while they are low to the ground. She loves to hop up on them and give them kisses!  Cassidy has not had any exposure to children while with us.

We like to joke that Cassidy is like a sour patch kid: first she's sour, then she's sweet. Cassidy loves to play hard. She is very vocal while playing her sister and makes a louder growl than you would think could come out of such a small body. It's very funny and adorable! Once she's tired out from running around, wrestling, chewing on toys, etc. she crashes. While taking naps, she prefers to be as snuggled up as she can get, whether that's next to her sister or one of us!

Cassidy is just starting to practice going on walks. At the beginning of her walks, she spends a good chunk of time chewing on the leash and needing encouragement to move forward. Once she gets moving, she does a lot better, though she certainly doesn't have "leash manners".

She has some motion sickness in cars.

Her very best friend is her sister. They could play all day and never tire of each other. While playing, she is very mouthy and vocal. When Cassidy has met other dogs, she tends to be wary at first, especially if they are bigger than she is and wanting to play. Once she spends a little time with them, she likes to sniff their booties and play a little.

Cassidy has not had any exposure to cats in our home.

Right now, we kennel Cassidy with her sister when we are away. She does awesome with this! When we leave or come back, we never hear them whining, and there are never accidents in the kennel. At night, Cassidy is in her own kennel. She wakes up once or twice a night and whines. With more practice, she has been getting much better with soothing herself. Cassidy also does not have accidents when she is in the kennel alone.

Cassidy is currently working on potty training. Some days she does great, and other days she really struggles. If she does have to go potty when we take her out, she usually does this right away.

The Wisconsin vet noted a grade 1-2 heart murmur, .however she does not show any signs of congestive heart failure. Depending on the cause of the murmur, she may still outgrow this murmur. Adopters may want to pursue a workup with a cardiologist for more information on the heart murmur.

Cassidy is definitely a follower, and we think she would do really well with another dog sibling. She loves following her sister around and playing with her.

Cassidy’s mom had a DNA analysis showing 50% bull terrier, 25.1% chow chow, 8.1% American foxhound, 6.0% German shepherd, 10.8% supermutt. We do not know the breed of Cassidy’s dad. Check out the last photo above for her mom!



