
Mixed Breed | Female | 1 year Old | 91 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Housebroken! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Walks well on leash! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner!


Caray found a home on May 16, 2021!


Caray, aka Caray Beary, has been a very good dog. She is doing really well with her leash manners. I walked her with two of my resident dogs and they did great. Caray will occasionally want to pull over to potty or sniff (as most dogs do), but other than that her pulling has gotten a lot better. If we pass another dog that she is curious about I tell her to "look" and she looks at me right away and then I give her a treat. That has worked great to re-direct her focus back to me and the walk.

She is a lot less jumpy with noises. It seems once she gets more used to a noise it doesn't bother her as much or at all.

To my surprise, she is not a messy drinker, kinda of dainty when she drinks water actually, she isn't very drooly and she takes smaller poos. I thought, given her size, they would be big!

Caray still doesn't bark much, which is nice. When she does, it's only briefly. She does still "whoo-whoo" with a wookie flare when she wants something or is excited. It's pretty funny!

She's a good eater and likes her food with a little warm water mixed in. Makes it more delicious!

Caray and one of my resident dogs love to play or hang out in the yard. They will even sometimes sleep by each other at night or during naps.

We have been giving Caray a lot of exercise with walks and yard play, and switched up her diet to help with losing some weight.

Caray is enjoying life and can't wait to find her forever home.


Caray is a very sweet, gentle, happy and full of love dog. Her markings are quite striking! She loves to play, but also enjoys her lounge time. She enjoys playing with toys and chewing bones, and especially loves playing with one of the resident dogs. Caray is very respectful of the other two older resident dogs who aren’t interested in play. Being around the resident dogs seems to help her feel more confident. Caray has done well with other dogs she has met. She has not shown any resource guarding.

Caray enjoys running around the yard and going for walks. She does pretty well on a freedom/easy-walk type of harness. She will need some type of harness to help keep her from pulling. She is a big, strong dog so walking would be more challenging if allowed to pull. We have been working on some leash training and she has done well. She has not been reactive to other dogs or people on a leash. She is more curious if anything. We were told that she has a prey drive towards squirrels, but we are in a new construction area and don’t have many squirrels or rabbits around us so we have not experienced this. We have not seen her interact with cats.

During the week, Caray wakes up with us, usually between 6am-7am. She goes out to potty and if there is time, gets some yard play in. Caray will potty when you tell her to go, which is really nice. She then comes in and lounges while we get ready and eats breakfast shortly after. During the day, she will lounge, play with toys, gnaw on bones and play with one of our resident dogs. She will usually go outside once or twice during the work hours for some fresh air and a potty break. Maybe even get some yard play if there is time. Once we are done with work, Caray goes outside if she hadn’t been recently out. She eats dinner around 5:30/6pm. Caray then gets a nice walk and some yard play afterwards. She then settles in for the night and lounges. Around 10pm she goes outside to potty and comes in for bed. Caray loves to sleep on the bed!

Caray would really benefit from a morning walk as well as an evening walk to burn off some of that young pup energy. Caray would love a fenced in yard to run around in, but I don’t think it is necessary as long as she got trips to the dog park and/or doggy daycare to be able to run and also socialize. She is very dog and people friendly.

Caray startles easily at new and unfamiliar noises. Once she gets used to the noise, she seems to be fine. When she first to came to us, the ice maker was super scary, but now she doesn’t even notice it.

I am not sure how well she would do with a family who has young children just because she is big and may knock them over. She has jumped up on new people and we have been working on that. She does not jump up on us. We have not seen her interact with children.

Caray knows how to sit, lay down, drop it and shake. She would benefit from learning additional commands.

Caray loves to go for rides and stick her head out the window. She is great in the car.

Caray doesn’t bark much, even when our resident dogs get in a tizzy over the UPS person or someone walking by. When she gets excited or wants something, she will make kind of a whooing/Chewbacca noise.

We did not try a crate with Caray as she was not used to a crate prior to coming to us.

We have not left her alone, but I think she would do fine as long as she is exercised properly and has toys and bones to chew on. She hasn’t shown any interest in anything that she is isn’t supposed to be or has counter surfed. We have some small open trash cans and she has never bothered with them. She has not begged for food either even when our resident moochers have.

The vet noted Caray is a little overweight and her ideal weight is 80 lbs. She’s working hard to drop a few pounds!

Overall, Caray is a great dog looking for a forever home that will love her as much as she will love you. She will need some leash training, learn more commands/manners and have someone help build her confidence and give her the exercise and socialization she needs.



