
Dachshund Mix | Female | 2 years Old | 10 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Housebroken! ✔️ Loves to snuggle! ❌ Would prefer to be an only dog!

Cannoli found his forever home on April 20, 2022!


Cannoli wakes up with me around 6 am (sometimes I will hear her start to stir in her kennel earlier than this), and she goes outside with her foster sister right away. Then the dogs get breakfast and Cannoli eats right away. When they are done they will get treats. As I start to get ready for work, Cannoli will sometimes give a few barks saying she wants attention. I will give her some pets or throw her toy around to try to distract her. While I am at work, Cannoli is gated in the kitchen for about 8 hours til I come home in the afternoon. Once I am home, Cannoli and her foster sister go outside for a walk and a potty break. In the afternoons, Cannoli will want all my attention. She will want to play fetch with her toys, or climb all over you to get pets and love. Around 6 pm, Cannoli gets fed dinner with treats after. We play or sit on the couch til bed time around 9 pm.

She is friendly with everyone she meets. She will slowly approach new people to get pets. Sometimes she will fear pee when a new person pets her the first time. She has never been aggressive with a new person.

Cannoli has not been around any young children during her time with me. I do not know how she would react.

Cannoli is a medium energy dog. She does like walks, but she does not need to go on a 7 mile walk everyday. When she is excited she is hard to calm down. She will try to climb on me all the time to get my attention and to get pets. And sometimes she just lays by you and wiggles her body nonstop for the attention.

Cannoli lives with my own dog/foster sister. My dog is another small breed dog. They currently try to ignore the other one. However, Cannoli will get jealous of her foster sister if she gets attention or I try to play with her. She will bark at her foster sister if I try to pet her or, if she is sitting by me on the couch, Cannoli will bark to let you know she is upset. Because of this it would my recommendation to have Cannoli in a one dog house.

Cannoli gets nervous at the vet when she hears all the other dogs barking. This can stress her out and cause her to bite. The vet has recommended her adopter consider some anti-anxiety medicines for these high stress situations.

Cannoli has not been around any cats during her time with me. I do not know how she would react.

When I am at work, Cannoli is gated in the kitchen with a blanket, toys, and water, and she seems to do well. She will whine and bark after I leave, but she will stop after a minute or two. Because she can bark at times, this will be something to consider for anyone living in an apartment. She will bark when she hears people in the hallway or other dogs outside.

Cannoli loves to chew up soft toys. I've tried giving her rubber type chew toys that would be tougher, but she does not like those. She likes plush/soft dog toys, and it wont take long for her to chew a hole in them. She had not chewed on any shoes or clothes or furniture thankfully. Just be prepared to buy lots of dog toys.

Cannoli was positive for Anaplasmosis, a tick-borne disease, in April but is not showing any clinical signs. A positive result for Anaplasmosis just indicates antibodies to this bacteria, not necessarily active infection. Per our rescue protocol, she is currently being given a round of antibiotics.

Cannoli is very sweet and just wants all the love her owners can give her. I think she would benefit from a small training class, or private lessons to help with her high energy behaviors and to help giver her some structure. I have started to work on some commands with her. She is starting to learn sit.



