
rat terrier/dachshund Mix | Female | 1 year Old | 29 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs and cats! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Can free roam when alone! ✔️ Housebroken! ✔️ Good in car!

✔️ Could live in an apartment! ❌ Working on leash manners!


Adopted on June 23, 2021!


Candy has been doing great this week. She is mastering the "wait" command at thresholds and has started learning "come" quickly.

She is great at being independent when we are gone. She will lounge in the sun and loves to chew on bones endlessly.

She has also had a chance to meet some children and has done great. She is of course very excited to see them at first but after some introductions she loved hanging out with them!


Candy has been settling in and opening up now that she has been with us for a couple weeks. She has been getting much better at pulling less on walks, especially now that we are using a gentle leader. When we pull the gentle leader out, she can hardly contain her excitement and has trouble sitting still because she is wagging so much.

Candy is now using her crate with no issues and is happy to go in as long as she gets a yummy treat. Candy has proven herself trustworthy enough to have some free roaming privileges’ as well while we are away.

She loves spending time with her foster brother running in the backyard, watching birds, or chewing on a nice bone or chew toy. Once we settle down in the evening she loves to snuggle close to her foster parents in a chair or on the couch.

She still has some work to do on recall and with basic commands, but she has great foundations and is willing to learn. Recently she has been doing well at waiting at the door or other thresholds when asked.


Candy's day starts around 6:30-7am. She goes out potty and then eats breakfast. After-while, we go for a 20 minutes walk and come back to relax although Candy would love to go longer. Her foster dad works from home and crates her part of the day and brings her out for potty breaks and play time. Usually, we play in the backyard to burn off her energy. She likes to play fetch with her foster brother and is quite quick. We usually do a long walk in the evening. She is crated at night and usually whines for a bit but calms down for bedtime.

Candy has nervous energy when it comes to settling in until she gets comfortable after a few days. Then she' snuggling into blankets and making herself at home. Outside, Candy is an adventure dog, she loves to sniff and explore outside. She really enjoys our gated fence to run around.

She has not had any exposure to children besides our neighbors’ kids who are the other side of the gate. She is friendly towards them, but she hasn't had play time with children.

She is fairly high energy dog that needs a lot of exercise but did really well while staying at a sitter's apartment with another dog. She loves to have an open space to play to burn off energy. She needs more work on her leash manners as she pulls a lot on her walks.

She is dog friendly and enjoys having a friend. Candy is an assertive dog and likes to be alpha.  Outside the home is she curious to meet other dogs.

Candy has two foster cat siblings whom she usually leaves alone. She has tried to engage them in play, but they usually run off and she will let them be.

She whines at first and then tends to calm down after awhile, we don't let her free roam and have been using a crate.

Candy knows basic commands and is willing to learn and especially with treats. She is very interested in birds and squirrels in our backyard and on walks.



