
Labrador Retriever mix | male | 6 months Old | 42 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Okay for beginner dog owner! ✔️ Good in the car! ✔️ Walks well on leash! ✔️Crate trained! ❌ Working on potty training! ❌ Crate training in progress!

Calvin found his forever home October 4, 2021!



Calvin continues to bloom! So many changes in 2 weeks! He hesitates much less and has overcome many of his initial fears. He eagerly greets new people. He hasn’t had any accidents in the house but is not yet indicating he wants to go out. He sleeps in his crate in the kitchen. He was waking up in our room, we think our dog was the problem. He sleeps through the night in his crate. He stays in his crate when I leave the house and does well for 3 hours or so.

Calvin had an opportunity to meet a couple of cats. He clearly knew what cats were. The cats had never met a dog. He wanted to play but demonstrated no prey drive toward them. He did not scare them and one continued to be curious about him. He tried to engage the cat but moved on to other things when the cat refused to play.

He is learning to play “gentle” with my smaller dog so I would think that skill could be carried over to a cat as well.

Calvin has the funniest personality. He loves to be loved by his people! He is a special pup that needs his forever family.


Check out a video of Calvin playing here!

Calvin gets up at 5:30-6:00 with my dogs and goes outside to go potty. They come in and wrestle around until 6 when they all are fed. He is fed in his kennel so the other dogs can eat undisturbed. He goes out again immediately after eating. We go for a 1-2 mile walk and then he crates for 1-4 hours, depending on what I have going on. When home, he always sleeps on the dog bed by my desk or on the couch if I am in the living room. He loves to snuggle and loves a belly rub. We play in the yard for a few minutes throughout the day. He will go out to potty if you take him but he is not yet signaling he needs to go. One hour after he drinks or when he wakes up, he needs to go out. He eats at 6 pm and is a bit zoomie from 5-7 pm so we run off energy in the yard or take an additional 1-2 mile walk. He does not love his kennel at night but goes in for treats; he would prefer the bed. At some point, I think someone let him sleep there. He sleeps through the night. He wants to be by his people at night; he didn’t like being in the kitchen alone.

Calvin loves people. He is wary of certain people and we haven’t figured out the trigger. If someone comes out to meet us he is very excited and greets them. In the house he greets people with excitement and loves to see them. He is snuggly and cuddly but doesn’t have to lay on you. He loves to lay by you and get belly rubs while you watch TV. Calvin has been a joy to foster but we recognize he is so wonderful we need to find his people before we become his people. He is that special!

Calvin loves kids but has to be monitored to make sure he stays off them and doesn’t mouth them - typical puppy behavior that will decrease with time and training. He does well with my 5-year-old grandson but does jump on his back. The jumping is not aggressive in nature at all, it’s for love and attention. He gets down with “OFF.” He just doesn’t know his size or where his body is in space. That will need to be monitored with younger children but he could certainly live with smaller children.

Calvin will be a large dog and will do better with a yard to play in and get his energy out. Like a typical puppy, he chews on non-toys (edges of rugs and pillows) but will redirect easily to appropriate toys. He will growl to keep a toy but only in play. I can take any item away without issue.

He is outstanding on a leash!! He walks right next to me with a short leash. He was fearful and unsure when we first went around the neighborhood but as he became familiar, he was much more comfortable. He is one of the best leash walking dogs I have ever had the pleasure of fostering.

He loves my dogs but we discovered other dogs barking in the neighborhood scared him. We listened to 20 minutes of dog barking on You Tube for a few days in a row and the behavior was so much better. He is more fearful if the barking comes from behind him. He plays with my 25-pound dog and is very respectful not to play with my 9-year-old Golden. He has had to learn to play “gentle” with my smaller dog. That has improved as well. He loves to self-entertain with toys in the yard too.

Calvin has not had exposure to cats while I’ve been fostering him.

Calvin whines or yips a bit when you first kennel him but then he settles down and goes to sleep while I am away. He likes a peanut butter or frozen pumpkin Kong to keep him busy.

Calvin was nipping at hands when we were walking and when we were going outside. I think he was trained with a hidden treat in the hand and he is looking for it. He has responded well to ‘No Biting, gentle’. He has stopped except when he gets over excited. He responds well to training and is learning to sit and come as well as kennel (although he may choose not to put all 4 paws in the kennel). Someone chose to throw Calvin away by leaving him on the side of the road with his brother. He is an amazing pup with so much love for people. He has the sweetest heart and personality. If he gets in trouble he rolls over right away for a belly rub. He loves to do the right thing and to be loved for that! He loves Cheerios!



