
Shepherd Mix | male | 1.5 YEARS Old | 48 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Good with kids! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Potty trained!

Buddy found his family 3/10/2023!



Buddy is a wonderful dog. He recently spent time with a trainer, and he's came back with some new manners! When Buddy came to us, he was a high energy, excitable dog. Since training, he's quickly learning to control his energy and respect boundaries. He now waits patiently for a command before going through exterior doors, and he no longer requires a physical barrier to keep him out of pet-free areas of the house. We are continuing to prioritize his training over the next month as this is crucial to ensuring these behavioral improvements are long term.

Buddy is still an energetic, loving dog with a zest for life. If you are willing to be consistent as he continues his training, you'll be rewarded with a dog that everyone falls in love with! He's extremely loyal and cuddly. He is also very quiet - he never barks and only occasionally whines when he doesn't get his way.


Buddy has started going to daycare twice a week and LOVES playing with the other dogs there. Being able to play with other dogs makes Buddy's energy level much more manageable.

His manners at home have also improved! Buddy doesn't really jump up on people anymore unless he's super excited because he knows he gets more love when he's calmly asking for attention. After daycare, he loves to snuggle in and watch some TV together. We've also been practicing a "Place" command so he learns how to relax, and he's been doing so well since he is treat-motivated and quick to learn

One of Buddy's new favorite games is playing "Find it!" where we'll keep him behind a door or gate, then hide some treats around the room for Buddy to find. He can't wait to go zooming through sniffing for treats!


A typical day for Buddy usually starts around 7 AM, when he gets let out of his crate, then goes for a quick morning walk around the block. After his walk, Buddy eats breakfast and will usually settle down with a chew toy or Kong while his people work from home. Buddy goes out for quick walks every 4-5 hours when his people are between meetings, with a longer 45-minute walk around lunch. Sometimes, he'll need to be crated when his people are working because he just wants to play so badly, but other times, he's content laying quietly at their feet while they work. After work, Buddy loves to be bribed into learning new tricks and playing tug before winding down for the night and doing some cuddling and watching TV. He is generally crated at night and does well, but has also slept with his people at night without issue and would probably prefer that.

Buddy does well when he's crated. He might whine for a couple minutes, but quiets down quickly if there are no people around. I would not let him free roam alone because he does love to chew and get into things.

Buddy loves, loves, loves pets and attention, so will often try to jump up on his people inside the house. He's actually much more polite when outside the home; when we've walked outside on a leash, he will stand close to people and sniff gently, hoping for pets, but doesn't try to jump or interact unless they do.

Buddy hasn't interacted with any children inside a home, but has met a couple older children while out on walks. He enjoys getting pets from them and might try to jump up to lick their face.

Buddy is a smart, medium-high energy dog that needs his energy channeled productively. We take him out on several walks a day, where he's allowed to sniff as much as he wants, but he still seems to have energy to spare sometimes. Buddy walks pretty well on a leash and doesn't pull often. The major exception is if he sees a squirrel or a rabbit (especially rabbits!), in which case, you better be prepared to hold onto the leash! He also does startle with loud noises and might trip you up by moving in front of your feet.

Buddy was treated for heartworm prior to coming to Madison and his crate rest recently ended -- as he returns to full activity, he may end up being higher energy than he's been in foster care, so adopters should be aware of that.

Buddy can be a little shy when meeting other dogs on a leash, but when he warms up, he loves to play. He does play a little aggressively, so he might be a little too much for dogs that are older or don't want to play. Buddy has not had exposure to any cats in our care, however I'm not sure how well Buddy would interact with a cat, because he does have a strong prey drive and wants to chase after squirrels and especially rabbits, so he might not do well with a cat.

Buddy is a super loving and friendly dog that just needs some structure and guidance. While he has been play-biting when he feels like he's not getting enough attention and sees baby gates as just challenges to jump over, with adequate stimulation and training, he would be the perfect companion.



