
Lab Mix | male | 3 months Old | 13 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Good with kids! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ✔️ Walks well on leash! ❌ Working on potty training! ❌ Working on crate training!

Bowie found his forever home on June 15, 2022!



Bowie is everyone's best friend. He’s such a cute little guy that he has charmed every single person he’s met. He is more excited to see people than animals, but has done well with every dog he has met.

He’s developing quite a talent for fetch. He can be mouthy but easily accepts a toy as a trade for a shoe or any other object we don’t want him to chew. He loves to play, and often goes into “lovey toy mode”, where all he wants to do is lay on your lap and chew a toy for half an hour. Really, he just wants to be with you and love you, regardless of where you are.

Bowie LOVES being outside, so he would do best in a house with a backyard or somewhere he can get outside often. He loves to explore, and generally is a curious puppy. He loves to be included in everything we do, so he’s been boating, swimming, kayaking, to a parade, and more, and has done fantastic adapting to new environments. He gets very excited to meet people, but is always friendly and not skittish.

He’s an incredibly smart dog, and very easy to train. He follows commands well until he gets too excited, but he’s already learning fast. He’s doing much better with leash training, and does very well on walks with his harness. We’re still working on kennel training, as he almost always has someone home with him, but he’s starting to improve there as well. 

Recently, we have had very few accidents inside as long as he is supervised and let out often. We use baby gates to keep him in certain areas of the house, which works perfectly.

Bowie can’t wait to find his forever family. This little guy has so much love in his heart, he’s been a joy to foster!


Bowie sleeps great. He typically goes down around 10PM and will stay quiet in his crate until his humans get up, between 5-6AM. Then it is outside to pee and poop, and inside to eat and play. He then cycles through periods of playing inside or outside, eating, and sleeping. He will sleep for a few hours in the morning, usually 9-11AM and grab a few naps during the afternoon. Since he is still a young puppy, he gets a lot of outside time.

Bowie loves to meet other people, both inside and outside our home. He is happy to see people and will greet them with joy and a jump up so we are working with him on staying down when introductions are made.

We have teenagers and he does great with them. He met some younger children recently and he loved them. They have their own dogs so they are used to excited puppies. One of the children is a bit nervous around dogs and Bowie tended to ignore that child. The other children absolutely loved him. The children are between 5-10 years old.

Bowie is learning what it means to go on a walk. Once he gets going he does well on a leash but can be a bit sluggish to get going, then in a hurry to come home. He prefers to play in our backyard, as well as pee and poop in our yard instead of on the walk. He has 3-4 periods of activity each day with walks and outside time or playing with toys inside.

Bowie is getting better everyday with potty training (no accidents for several days), leash training, and crate training. When he is excited, he can be a bit loud. He loves being outside in our back yard.

Bowie was able to meet two older, larger dogs this weekend. Since they do not have a fenced in yard the dogs met while on a leash. He was curious and shy and slowly introduced himself. He was definitely submissive and when one of the larger dogs became protective, Bowie sought protection from his humans. He has not met other dogs in the home.

We are working with Bowie on his alone time. When we have left him alone in the crate, he has barked and not settled down. Our schedule usually has one person at home nearly all day.

Bowie is a great, loving, curious, puppy who really enjoys beyond around the home or in the back yard. We took him on a boat ride and he did enjoy that. He is very young so everyday, every smell, every thing is an adventure for him that he meets with cautious curiosity.



