
dalmatian Mix | male | 6 years Old | 73 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Housebroken! ✔️ Can free roam when alone! ✔️Good in the car!

✔️ Good running buddy! ✔️ Enjoys swimming! ✔️ Enjoys doggy daycare! ❌ No young kids! ❌ No apartments!


Boris found his forever home on July 17!


Boris has been enjoying his time at his foster home and is settling in well to a new routine. He is allowed to free roam at night and sleep outside his crate which he has done great at with no issues. Given the choice, he would love to sleep in his foster parents room to snuggle each night, but the open spot in bed is already taken by his foster sister so he happily sleeps downstairs.

We have also had him for over a month now and he hasn’t had a single accident in the house. He will tell you if he needs to go outside or wants to come in. Also his allergies have been very easy to manage. He only takes a few generic Benadryls each night with dinner and that alone has kept his allergies at bay. We have not had to do anything else to keep him comfortable, so we think his allergies should be easy to continue to manage with low effort.

He has been enjoying his time with us by running in our yard with his foster sisters, and is great at playing with other dogs as well. He has had the chance to visit with two family dogs who he got alone with great. We also learned he is a great catcher and almost has a perfect record of catching balls and toys when tossed in the air to him. He has had the opportunity to be in a big crowd and around small children since being with us and did great and was respectful of everyone he met.

Lastly, one of his favorite thing to do is go for a car ride. He will happily hop in any vehicle that will allow him along including taking rides on our UTV.


Boris is an easy-going guy. His typical day includes playing with his foster pup sisters, running out in the yard and playing in the toy room. His favorite spot in the house is the toy room where he loves to empty the dog toy box to find the best toys for the day. He is a goofy, sweet, and curious boy who is guaranteed to make you smile.

Boris loves people, both those he knows and strangers. Anyone with a treat is an instant best friend. One thing he really enjoys is getting back scratches from his foster mom.

He has not been around children in his foster home but there is no concern he will love children just like he loves adults. Boris would probably do best in a home with older children or no children due to his large size. He is not fully aware of his size :)

Boris is a medium energy pup. He is a mature guy, but still is playful. He is content playing with toys and chasing his foster pup sister around to keep busy. He is a guy who knows what he wants and will keep himself busy with his toys. He also enjoys going for walks. He is very curious and is sure to check out new things along the way. He can pull while on a leash to get where he wants to go, so he will need someone who can help him with his leash manners.

He is still working on not barking in the house. For this reason, he’d be best with no shared walls.

Boris loves other dogs. He has spent time at doggy daycare and also did well meeting new dogs outside of his foster home. He really enjoys the company of his foster pup sister who he chases and plays with as much as he can.

He has not yet met any feline friends.  Boris has a prey drive with our chickens.

Boris is working to lose a few pounds. His ideal weight is 62 pounds. Boris has a history of allergies and takes Benadryl daily to keep his allergies at bay.

Boris spends his days while his foster parents are at work in his crate. He is crate trained and typically naps during the day while in his crate.




Little Joe