
Australian Cattle Dog/Heeler Mix | male | 2.5 years Old | 49 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Housebroken! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Can free roam when left alone! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ❌ No cats! ❌ No apartments! ❌ No small kids!

Blue found his forever home on March 11, 2022!

Check out some of Blue’s talents here and here, as well as Blue cozy on the couch here.



As Blue continues to settle into his foster home, he has shown more of his personality and has let us know that he's got more energy than previously thought. We've started extending his morning and afternoon walks to about 45 minutes each and added more vigorous playtime and mental challenges (puzzle toys, lick mats, etc) in order to help Blue live his best life.

We've also tried skipping his noon bathroom break and he has done just fine, so he'd be ok in a home where his forever family had to be gone during the day so long as he gets a chance for some exercise beforehand.

He's been getting more interested in toys, both playing by himself and with his foster fam. He still has a knack for understanding what is and isn't a toy and continues to be very well-behaved.

Blue's forever family should also be willing to continue some new training we've started: reminding Blue that humans are in control of the walk and he has to stay calm no matter how exciting a walk may be. He's been doing great at this and his foster mom is happy to talk details when you apply to meet this fun boy!


Blue sleeps in his crate only because he so badly wants to sleep in the human bed that it's easier to keep him in his crate. He wakes up around 7 am with his foster family and goes out for a walk around the block, then eats his breakfast and sleeps on the couch or under his foster parents’ desks most of the day while they work from home. Blue LOVES walks (he taps his toes with joy while I'm putting my coat on) and gets a walk at lunch just for fun but I think he could hold his bladder all day if needed. He gets another walk around the block in the afternoon, has supper when his people do, then has one last quick potty break before bed.

He loves everyone he meets and greets people on walks, inside our home, or even inside a friend's house with a wagging tail. He may jump on people when they first come in the house (50/50 chance) but he's generally very polite. When he gets really excited while playing, he can mouth people’s hands and feet but can be redirected to appropriate toys. He's pretty gentle but due to his size it can be kind of overwhelming.

Blue has not been around any children while under our care. Because he can get a little rambunctious when he gets a burst of energy, he probably shouldn’t go to a home with small children that he could knock over.

Blue has a great mixture of low-medium energy. He is fine with his three short (15-minute) walks a day during the week but is also happy to go for longer hikes on the weekend. When walking his usual path around our neighborhood, he's great on a leash but in new places with new sights and smells he pulls.

Blue has only met dogs outside the home while under our care but he seems appropriately interested and friendly with every dog he has met. He's only had one off-leash play session outdoors and was very vocal, but did not appear aggressive. I would advise slow intros to off-leash play to monitor this but have no reason for concern at this time.

Blue met one cat at a friend’s house and was overly fixated. I do not think he'd do well in a home with a cat.

We have been leaving Blue to free roam for about an hour when we leave the house and he has never gotten into anything or had an accident. He has whined a bit when we leave but isn't whining when we come back, so not sure how long that goes on for.

Blue is a great watchdog and will let you know when your mail is delivered or if there are any strange noises close to the house. While I don't find his barking inappropriate, it may be unwelcome in an apartment setting.

He has some itchy areas that are being treated with a topical cream. The vet thinks they may be allergy-related. He is being treated with oral antibiotics due to testing positive for Lyme's but he shows no symptoms of the disease. He had been treated for heartworm prior to coming to Wisconsin and has since tested negative.

Blue is such a calm, sweet dog who loves car rides, taking walks, and chilling on the couch next to his humans. He is very tolerant of having his nails cut, takes treats from your hand gently, doesn't counter-surf or beg for food, and is all-around such a great dog who will fit in almost anywhere he goes.



