
labrador retriever Mix | Female | 2 months Old | 11 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Good with kids! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Could live in an apartment!

✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ❌ Working on potty training!


Bessie marks September 7 as her adoption day!

Bessie wakes up around 6am for potty, breakfast, and play, followed by mid-morning nap and then potty, lunch and play, then an afternoon nap, then potty, dinner and play with bedtime around 8 or 9pm. Sleeps through the night in a kennel with her brothers.

Bessie loves people! She is always happy to see her people and greet them. She can be a little shy sometimes but warms up very quickly to new people.

She does very well with children aged 6+. She has a natural tendency to be gentler than her brothers and does okay with being held and handled.

Bessie has about a medium puppy energy level. She really enjoys playing tug with toys or chase. She has a burst of energy playing with her foster dog brothers but then often calms quickly into quiet enrichment play on her own with a toy. Bessie has not been leash trained yet and has not started going for walks.

Bessie interacts well with other dogs. She likes to play with all dogs and is docile and submissive with larger dogs. Besides her siblings, Bessie has been socialized with an adult German Shepherd and loves to play with him. When she sees another dog while outside, she will look at the dog and notice them, but does not engage or react.  Bessie has not been exposed to cats

She will often engage with her toys when alone and enjoys some solo play time away from her siblings as well. While she is social and loves being pet and cuddled, she also enjoys her time alone. She is kenneled when not supervised and does well in the kennel.

The vet noted a heart murmur although she shows no signs of congestive heart failure. There is a chance she will grow out of this heart murmur or it may always be present. Adopters should talk with their vets to monitor and watch for any further testing.

Bessie is a sweetheart who would do well with a family. She loves people and kids and loves to play, but also likes to chill out and cuddle when she's tired. She has bursts of puppy energy but often is the first to tire out and find solo play. She has learned 'sit' and 'come' very well already and will be easily trainable with treats. She will need some work on her potty training, tho.



