
terrier Mix | male | 2 years Old | 60 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs and kids! ✔️ Good with cats! ✔️ Housebroken! ✔️ Can free roam when alone! ✔️ Good in car!

✔️ Walks well on leash! ✔️ Could live in an apartment! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner!


Bentley found his forever home September 22, 2021!

Check out this video of Bentley on a walk, hanging out in a fenced yard and his amazing off leash recall!


Bentley has now been in his foster home for a little over a month, and he continues to be the world’s easiest and least demanding dog. He now comes when called from a different floor of the house and, when invited, will sit next to us in the evening to watch TV, but he spends the vast majority of his time snoozing and he is as quiet as a mouse.

He goes outside for a short walk 3-4 times per day but does not demonstrate a need for exercise beyond this; when in a fenced yard he mostly prefers to sit by his people rather than run around, play, or explore. He continues to exhibit no prey drive, making him a safe bet around small animals in addition to cats and children.

Bentley has spent time both indoors and outdoors with the dog of a family member and he is friendly and respectful to the other dog. He could easily be a second dog in a household or live as an only pooch.

Bentley shows shyness around new people and is fearful of loud scary things like construction equipment. We still think that the best home for him would be a quiet one with a consistent routine and loving, gentle humans who will appreciate his sweet and low-key personality. 

Bentley is an absolute angel. He has revealed zero behavioral problems in the time he has been with us: He doesn't jump, beg, or bark, and he has a bladder of steel. The only time we've ever heard his voice is when he is sleeping and emits little dream woofs. We often forget he is in the house because he is so quiet and unobtrusive.

He is feeling more comfortable and learning routines in our home. While he still prefers to spend most of his time in his "safe spot" next to our bed, he now comes downstairs readily when called from halfway down the stairs for a walk or a meal.

He is also gaining confidence on walks. We've been taking him on a variety of routes through the neighborhood, and he has a relaxed tail (rather than a fearful between-the-legs tail) most of the time. He prefers to walk on sidewalks where he can see what's ahead rather than paths through the woods with tall vegetation on each side, but he will willingly go wherever we ask him to. He still does not pull at all on the leash - he leaves slack, and impressed neighbors have commented on what a good leash walker he is.

We still sit with him while he eats, as this seems to make him feel safer letting his guard down. He snarfs his meals in under 5 minutes, though, so this isn't too much of a time drain.

When lavished with attention, Bentley gives very gentle, polite nose kisses that will melt your heart. He is such a good boy.


Bentley leaves the side of the bed in the morning with a gentle tug on his collar to encourage him to come downstairs for his morning walk. After his (slow) walk he eats breakfast (he's a reluctant eater, so we often sprinkle his food with treats and sit next to him while he eats so he knows it's okay). Then he finds a spot to sleep until his next walk. His preferred sleeping places are in areas of the house where he feels safe and protected - in a corner of the living room, under the dining room table, between the bed and the wall. He goes two midday walks, eats dinner around 6pm, and goes out for the last time around 9pm. He then conks out next to the bed where he sleeps solidly all night.

Bentley is a sweet, very submissive dog. He does not need slow introductions to humans of any gender, age, or size - he is completely gentle.

Bentley lives with an 8-year-old and has met many other children. He tolerates all manner of touch from children without reacting.

Bentley is a low-energy dog who needs encouragement to go outside. He walks slowly on the leash and does not pull. He is not a big sniffer - Bentley walks on the sidewalk close to his human and doesn't react to his surroundings.

He is submissive/nonreactive to other dogs. He has never displayed any reactivity to other animals.

Bentley lives with two cats in his foster home and is not interested in them or their food. He gives them space and their only interaction is when the cats approach him for a sniff.

He can be left alone free roaming. We have left him alone for multiple hour stretches and we find him sleeping in the same spot we left him.

Bentley is a quiet, shy dog who feels safest when he's in familiar places or on familiar walk routes. He takes a long time to decompress in a new space, and he would find traveling, camping, or visiting other homes quite stressful. Bentley would do best in a calm, predictable home where not much is demanded of him socially.



