
Lab Mix | Female | 2 Years Old | 43 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Needs slow introductions with new people! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Housebroken!

Annie found her forever home on June 7!



We have been going out a lot and Annie has been getting lots of socialization and doing so much better around strangers! She still is very bonded to me, which is nice because I never have to worry about her running off when she’s off leash - she always comes right back to me whenever I call her. But now when she walks by strangers, she just ignores them instead of getting scared. If they have a dog, she will want to go over and greet the other dog a lick and a tail wag. She is always on the lookout for a dog who might be willing to play with her. She especially loves puppies, but will try to play with any dog with a play bow and a wagging tail. She has given other dogs’ humans a quick smell and a lick in passing, but has yet to willingly let a stranger pet her. She will duck and run away. She doesn’t get aggressive at all, and if she is really scared and can’t get away (for example if she is on a leash), she will lay down and show her belly. She has really become a very happy, settled dog and is a compete change from the shaking, terrified girl who came to my house a few months ago. She will probably always be shy around strangers, but she’s very snuggly and attached to her people once she bonds to them.


Annie has been busy blossoming into a happy, playful dog now that her puppies are gone. She is doing very well with leash practice and heels just behind my left knee. We have been working on taking car rides to fun places like trail walks, and now she hops in the car willingly. She is still shy of new people and will bark and run away from them, usually to me for comfort. She is incredibly affectionate and snuggly with me, which is how she’ll be with her future adopters once she gets settled. She is really the sweetest dog!


Annie is a sweet, shy dog who came up from a Louisiana shelter in January, very pregnant. She gave birth to 9 puppies in my house and was a wonderful mama. Her puppies are all healthy, happy 8-week-old chunkers who don't need their mom anymore, and Annie is ready to find a home of her own!

Annie sleeps in her crate at night and wakes up whenever I get up in the morning. She goes out to potty and play with the other dogs. She typically plays in the yard most of the day but is also fine being crated if I have to leave the house. If she's indoors, she typically goes into her crate by herself as she sees that as her safe space.

Annie is a very shy dog. She is used to me now and is incredibly affectionate, sticking close by me outdoors and jumping all over me to give me kisses. She is terrified of everyone else. She will pancake on the ground, tuck her tail and sometimes pee if a stranger tries to pet her. Once she's had an hour or two to warm up, she will wag her tail and cautiously approach for pets. She is the sweetest dog and clearly wants to love people, but is just very scared at first. She probably wouldn't do well living downtown, because she has a hard time walking on a leash if there are strangers around - she will tuck her tail and lay down. Similarly, she is a home body and doesn't enjoy going out. The few times she went on a car ride, she crouched in the back, trembled and cried quietly. When we got home again, she was so relieved that she ran in happy circles for awhile.

Annie loves to run outside with my other dogs. She is a fast runner and I think she might be part greyhound. She is not hyper though, and indoors she will just go to her crate and chew on a bone quietly. She is great on a leash if there aren't a lot of people around - otherwise, she will pancake and need a lot of encouragement to be brave and keep walking. At home, she does great outdoors off-leash and always comes when called.

Annie LOVES LOVES LOVES other dogs. Even the first day I got her, when she was terrified of me, she gravitated towards my dogs for comfort. She has met several new dogs since I got her and loved them all. She loves to play chase and wrestle. She is not an overly aggressive or vocal player, and she will match the other dog's play style. She is good with both big dogs and little dogs, but sometimes my tiny dogs get a little annoyed at all her enthusiastic licks. She would probably find it easier to adjust in a new home if there was another dog present.

Annie has met my barn cats and was curious and wagged her tail at them, but they hissed at her and made themselves scarce. She was a little scared of them after that and has avoided them since. She might try to play with a friendly cat.

Annie is crated when left alone and does great. She is perfectly quiet and well behaved. She will bark if people come to the door, and she will bark if she hears the other dogs playing outside without her.

Annie is such a sweetheart. She just needs someone willing to put in the time to let her open up. It won't take long - just a day or two - and she will adore you like no other dog.



