
PitBull | Female | 2 Years Old | 59 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Potty trained! ✔️ Loves to cuddle! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Can free roam when alone! ✔️ Walks well on a leash! ✔️ Good running buddy! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ✔️ Could live in an apartment!

Zena found her forever family 4/10/2023!


Zena is allowed to free roam.  We’re not crating her at night, so her morning ritual involves jumping into bed with us.  We enjoyed the company until it got to be too early in the morning.  We’re working on correcting the behavior and she’s responding appropriately.  After we’re up, she goes out for a quick break on leash and then gets to eat her breakfast.

Zena has no fear or adverse reaction to new people inside or outside the home.  On leash, she’s not overly interested in passers-by and we’re working on making that a no-interest situation.  Otherwise she reacts warmly and appropriately with all strangers.  She’s not been exposed to children or cats.

Zena is a medium-energy dog.  She will run hard for short bursts when playing with our dog.  On her own off leash, she’s content to stay close and sniff around.  She doesn’t have a strong prey drive, which seems to limit her level of distraction.  On leash, she tugs excessively, but she is well behaved with a prong collar.

Zena has a mild reaction when seeing new dogs.  She behaves very appropriately with all new dogs, either dominant/aggressive or submissive.  She warmed up to our dog slowly, but after 2 weeks they are best buddies.  We had one well socialized strange dog come into the house and it took a while for her to become interested.  Once outside, they played independently.

To the best of our knowledge, Zena sleeps on the couch or in our bed when she’s left alone (with our dog).  There have been no adverse issues.  We’ve been ramping up the crate time, in case her new home requires it. 

Zena will be a great housemate as a single dog or companion to other dog(s).  She loves to cuddle, wants to be a lap dog, and uses her tongue to get your attention!  We live in an apartment and she’s reactive only to the doorbell.  Other noises don’t bother her. 

She came to us with little training, but has picked up a few commands very quickly. She’s bright, attentive and a fast learner. She is a people pleaser.



