
Chihuahua mix | 3 Years old | Female | 17 LBs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Good with cats! ✔️ Good with kids! ✔️ Potty trained! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Can free roam when humans are gone! ✔️ Good in the car! ✔️ Walks well on leash! ✔️ Could do well in an apartment! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner!

Wendy is a little chihuahua mix who was picked up as a stray in Arkansas and was pregnant when she was found. She was transported here to Wisconsin where she gave birth to three little boys. She was a wonderful mama and now has weaned her puppies and been spayed, so she is ready to find a home of her own.

Wendy is a low energy dog who enjoys going for leisurely walks but spends most of the day napping. She is in a foster home with several other dogs and gets along great with all of them, but has yet to show any interest in playing with them. She prefers to putz around the yard and then come in and take a long nap either in her crate (which she loves, and puts herself in on her own) or in any other random corner of the house that strikes her fancy. She has an amazing ability to sleep despite any chaos that might be happening around her. If a dog gets too much in her face, she will growl at them and my dogs respect her space. She is small, but she is not timid and she will stand up for herself! Wendy is great with my cats and they all ignore each other.

Wendy is potty trained, great in her crate and is pretty quiet. Occasionally she will bark when a stranger comes to the door, but she typically stops pretty quickly. She is definitely not a typical chihuahua in that regard. She has a very chill personality.

Wendy would be a great dog for someone who wants a small, easy, low maintenance dog. She has been a joy to have and is just so funny! She definitely has the “chihuahua sass” and has her ideas of how she would like things to happen. For example, I used to let her out into my unfenced front yard to explore, because she would stay close. Recently she decided to instead explore the surrounding cornfields until she felt like coming home, so now she is relegated to the fenced back yard. It has been a week, and yet she still stands at the back gate for two hours every morning glaring at me and waiting for me to let her out to roam. I swear she is part cat! She makes me laugh every day. Treats are the way to her heart and she will forgive all your offenses instantly if you offer her a snack.



