
chihuahua Mix | male | 10 years Old | 11 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs and cats! ✔️ Housebroken! ✔️ Can free roam when alone! ✔️ Good in the car!

✔️ Walks well on leash! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ❌ Separation anxiety! ❌ No young kids!


This sweet senior found his forever family May 11, 2021!


Tucker has gotten more social in the time he’s been here although he has become more attached to myself as his primary caretaker. He meets me at the baby gate with tail wags waiting for love and attention. I’ve also learned he does well with strangers coming into the house and will go up to greet them and get pets.

He has gotten more used to the routine of being left alone in one part of the house with one or more of the dogs. There’s been very minimal barking now as he has been learning that someone will be back. I’ve tried leaving him alone without the dogs and he did bark so he may just really prefer a companion.

Tucker mostly spends his time relaxing on the couch or following humans around. Once or twice a day he gets a burst of energy and will run in the yard a bit. He does get anxious if his routine is changed up so will need time and patience to settle into a new environment. However, after he’s adjusted he’s very chill and easy to care for.


Tucker is recovering nicely from his teeth extractions. He seems to be feeling much more comfortable without them and his sweet personality is coming out more everyday. He doesn’t have any problems eating now but it just takes him longer. He eats a mixture of wet and dry kidney food although the dry is soaked in water. It’s a bit more economical. His hips are likely arthritic and he’s on some medicine called Gabapentin. He may need to be on it long term but it’s not known yet.

Tucker really just loves to be around his foster family and still likes to follow me around and be a part of things. Since he’s really not a fan of the crate, I have started leaving him in a sectioned off part of the house with my other senior dog when I have to leave for short periods of up to several hours. There has been much less barking and he typically just sleeps. I leave him with a belly band on in case of accidents and it has been used a couple of times. There’s really no accidents when I’m home since he will go to the door.

The sunshine and warmer temperatures have put a pep in Tucker’s step. He likes to hang out in the backyard for a little longer to enjoy the spring weather. He’s a gentle and mellow companion hoping to find his forever home soon.


Tucker is a devoted, laidback and quiet dude. Being an older guy who is a bit set in his ways, it took him a couple weeks to get settled and start to show his personality. He is a very low key dog who likes to spend the majority of the time snuggling or just hanging out close on the couch. He is very focused on whoever he chooses as his person. He really likes to be with me at all times so if I’m doing something around the house, he’s right there as a constant companion.

Tucker has done really well going to the bathroom outside. He’ll get up and go stand by the back door to be let out. He will typically need to go out every 2-3 hours. He’s not too much of a fan of Wisconsin winters and needed some encouragement to go out. He’s happier with the nicer weather and does like to hang out and explore the backyard if I’m out there with him. It has seemed to energize him and I’ve even witnessed him running through the yard a few times.

Tucker has gotten along great with the other animals in the home, three other smaller size dogs and a cat. He hasn’t shown any possessiveness around food or space. He mostly just does his own thing though and is much more focused on people. He’s shown to be comfortable around children of all ages in his current and previous foster home. He doesn’t play but enjoys soft pets. I’d recommend older and/or gentle children due to his age related issues.

He isn’t a fan of his crate or being left alone although we continue to work on those things. He sleeps in the crate for a short time at night but ends up in the bed where he sleeps the rest of the night peacefully. He will bark for some of the time when left there for short periods during the day. He doesn’t get destructive or have accidents in the crate. He likely would have an accident if no one was around to let him outside while free roaming so a crate or small area would be recommended when leaving him unattended.

Tucker was diagnosed with kidney disease late last year. After being started on a prescription food diet, his most recent kidney panel showed levels back in normal range which is great news. He’ll need to continue with kidney food and getting his levels checked periodically. He’s also recovering from having his teeth removed recently due to dental disease and we’re now working on getting his weight and strength up. This will hopefully get him feeling much better and on to a happier life. He’d love to find a quieter home with a person or family who can spend a lot of time with him. He still has much love to give!



