
plott hound Mix | male | 2 years Old | 60 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Good with older kids! ✔️ Housebroken! ✔️ Walks well on leash! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ❌ Some separation anxiety! ❌ No cats!

Sonny found his forever home on August 2, 2022!


Check out this video of Sonny playing with a friend!


Sonny wasn't a fan of the recent fireworks and thunder storms, so he's happy things have quieted down a bit! He got to meet a new dog friend to play with and while he was a bit too intense at first with his style of play, after a few minutes they were both very comfortable with each other. He continues to be an easy boy to care for! He's friendly with visitors, enjoys his walks, and dinner is the best part of his day.


Sonny is enjoying the nice weather! He doesn't seem to mind the rain as much as he used to, though he still gets anxious during thunderstorms. Ever since his heartworm recovery several months back he's been a very easy boy to care for. He enjoys his food and his walks and his people.

He did recently show some prey-drive behavior with a cat, so should go to a home without any cats.


Sonny has been doing well! Aside from a recent case of naughtiness with some unattended food, he's been a good boy. He recently had a few teeth extracted, and with that he's all caught up on his vet work. He wasn't feeling great about the extractions, but a couple weeks of getting spoiled with wet food more than made up for it in his mind! He likes chasing his toys and he can't wait for the winter to be over so he can lounge outside in the sun again!


Sonny continues to do well!

Since his last update he's had the chance to meet and interact with quite a few more dogs. He does very well on group walks on leash. While he's never really played much with my resident dog, he's opened up and is playing more with other dogs now. He likes to charge and chase, which some of his playmates seem to enjoy and some find a little intimidating. He's also learning to play tug with other dogs. As he's gotten more comfortable with play he's also gotten more vocal, so we are working on dialing back the barking when he gets too excited. Aside from during play with some of his friends and when he first hears the garage door when his human gets home, he still doesn't bark too much.

Sonny continues to be very food motivated. This helps with training, but he's also tried to steal from the edge of counters/tables if food is left unattended. He's learning to do better about being respectful when humans are eating.

Sonny also got to experience his first big snow this week! He hates the rain but didn't seem as bothered by the snow.


Sonny has been off activity restrictions from his heartworm treatment for a couple months now, and he loves it! He still doesn't play much with my resident dog, but he loves going on walks with her, loves running after the ball, and has also been getting some practice on short jogs. He has the potential to make a good running partner!

Sonny remains affectionate but still has some separation anxiety when left alone. He would do best with a family with another canine companion to keep him company or otherwise a family member at home so wouldn't regularly have to be alone for extended periods.

He's a sweet boy with a lot of personality and would love to find his perfect family!


Sonny loves his people! After the first couple weeks with him, he got very attached and would get anxious when left alone, but in the months since he's settled in and learned to be comfortable hanging out with my resident dog when his humans aren't around.
First thing in the morning Sonny gets a short walk, then he is excited for breakfast. As food motivated as he is, he's done a great job learning patience and to wait to start eating until he is given permission. He stays in the kitchen with my resident dog during the day where they both mostly lounge around quietly. Once I get home, he's excited for more attention!

Sonny has been good with everyone he's interacted with. He has a bit of a bad habit of jumping up on people when he gets over excited. The previous foster mentioned an instance where he would be a bit protective of his people around strangers, but I haven't seen it. This might be something to watch for with children to be sure he wouldn't misinterpret some rough housing.

He's done great with older children, but with his jumping he'd have to be watched closely with smaller children. Though he takes treats nicely he will sometimes paw for attention and doesn't always know how strong he is!

Due to his heartworm treatment, Sonny has had to be kept at a low energy level while I've had him. For the most part he's okay with this and is content to lounge around, though I can tell he would like to go for longer walks and play more. With his recovery period wrapping up he'll be able to be more active again after August 13.

Sonny has done well with my resident dog, though had to learn some boundaries on a couple of occasions when he tried to steal food from her. He hasn't been playful with my resident dog, but I think having her around has helped his separation anxiety. I feel like he would do best in a home with a canine friend.

While he's seen a cat or two on walks, he hasn't interacted with them closely while I've had him.

At first Sonny definitely showed some separation anxiety. He would bark and cry when I left the room for extended periods. However, I think he's learned that I'll be coming back and in the last month I can't remember any instances of him showing this behavior.

He's well house broken and doesn't tend to be destructive, though he's chewed a couple shoes. He'd do well left out in a decently dog-proofed space.

Sonny is recovering from heartworm treatment with activity restrictions until August 13. Roughly 6 months after that he is due for a dental once he tests negative for heartworm to remove several fractured incisors. Fetch will cover the cost of the dental at one of our Madison approved vets.

Sonny has had a bit of a rough start and would love to find his forever home!



