
German Shepherd mix | male | 9 Years Old | 55 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Good with kids! ✔️ Good with cats! ✔️ Potty trained! ✔️ Can free roam when alone! ✔️ Good in the car! ✔️ Could live in an apartment!

Simba found his forever family on 4/3/2023!



Check out a video of Simba begging for pets here!

Check out a video of Simba strolling though a private dog park here!


Simba starts his day by going a short morning walk. He has his breakfast meal and lounges around with his younger housemates during the work day. He goes out for another walk after the work day is over and has doggy play time until dinner. He spends his evenings watching TV on the couch and taking slow, peaceful strolls around the neighborhood. He likes to get to bed by about 10pm after his final potty break. He very much enjoys playing with toys and being pet.

Simba has two major cataracts and has poor eyesight. If we were to compare it to human eyes, he would need something like a -7.00 prescription. He can see shapes and shadows, but can sometimes suffer from not having accurate depth perception. He is extremely smart and quickly figures out how to map out a space. He rarely runs into things as a result, but he can run into items if he's too excited. He does keep an ear out for what our other dogs do to assist as well. His hearing is perfect and so we talk to him a lot, which really helps him navigate successfully in public places like the pet store as well as our own home. Simba can go up and down stairs but they make him very nervous. We would recommend limited stairs if possible.

Simba is always excited to meet people. He will wag his tail and flop over for pets. There's a video of what it looks like when he is begging for chest and belly rubs!

Simba is great with kids. He is very gentle and tolerant. He has interacted with children ages 4-7 and previously lived with a 15 month old. With the smaller children we've let them know to just let Simba know they are coming by saying his name, and he generally just flops over for a belly rub.

Simba likes to go out for walks and enjoys being out in the sunshine. We talk to him regularly throughout the walk and he is very receptive to adjusting to what we say. He will shift back to the sidewalk and listens to "back up" if we think he is going to fall off a curb. We do verbally indicate to him when he's stepping off a curb so he's not surprised. He loves walking at a clip and his poor eyesight doesn't slow him down! He can get nervous and bark if he hears someone approaching him really fast (such as runner) so we tend to have him cross the street if we notice anyone else on the sidewalk so he's not startled.

Simba likes to play with other dogs and does a good job of sharing toys and spaces. He sometimes gets a little vocal when he hears other dogs outside because he can't tell how far away from him they are and if they are coming over to meet him. He very much loves to play and would enjoy a home with another dog. He follows our dogs' leads a lot to get around a little easier. He's very familiar with the space but listens for their running footsteps so he knows how quickly to turn. He very much enjoys playing with our dogs at the private dog park, which is just a wide open space for him to run!

Simba currently lives with cats, some of which are more dog friendly than others. He doesn't pay much attention to them and usually just whines if they surprise him since he can't see them very well. Sometimes he does snuggle with our dog friendly cat who enjoys fluffy dogs.

Simba will lay down by the door until you come home. He free roams while we are gone and hasn't caused any damage or injured himself. He would be very comfortable as a free roaming dog.

Simba is a GREAT dog with lots of love to give. He's quite easy to care for, and he's so smart he's adjusted well for his loss of eyesight. He'll be a great companion for anyone who is willing to work with him on vocal cues to keep him oriented.



