
bulldog/terrier Mix | Female | 1 year Old | 35 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs and cats! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Housebroken! ✔️ Can free roam when alone!

✔️ Walks well on leash! ✔️ Could live in an apartment! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner!


Adopted on March 28, 2021!


Shug continues to thrive now that all of her puppies have been adopted! She is such a friendly girl and is incredibly easy to care for. She gets a little overwhelmed in the first 5 min or so of meeting new dogs (she does very well passing dogs on walks and such, just gets overwhelmed and tries to hide if a dog rushes at her too quickly at first greeting) but then loves to play chase in the yard or wrestle gently inside. Shug has absolutely adored all people she has met so far. I had 8 or so people over to help clean the house last week and she was SO HAPPY to rotate around everyone getting love and attention. She is going to make one family very happy and I can't believe she hasn't been scooped up already!


Say hello to Momma Shug! This sweet lady was rescued outside of Dallas, Texas in December by our partner rescue after she was abandoned in a yard with five other dogs. They later found out Shug was pregnant and that's when she took a couple plane rides up to Wisconsin to have her babies safely in foster care. Shug gave birth to six beautiful babies on Jan 14th. Now that her mothering duties are done and she's been spayed, she's ready to be the young, playful, worry-free dog she's always wanted to be!

Shug's typical day starts with a potty break and play time exploring the yard a little. Then she gets breakfast and either settles into her crate while I'm working or comes upstairs to my office to snuggle at my feet while I work. In the evenings, we have another short play session in the yard and Shug will entertain herself the rest of the night either by snuggling her humans and asking for pets or by chewing on and playing with her collection of toys. Shug then has dinner and sleeps through the night quietly in her crate (usually about 9 hours).

She is a very submissive dog overall and will often roll over and show her belly when meeting new people. She is very, very friendly and has absolutely loved everyone she meets and is begging for them to pet her usually within a couple minutes. She has only met children briefly so I can't say very well how she would react around them. In her brief meetings, she has been gentle with the children but also seemed a tiny bit nervous. However these meetings were when her puppies were around meaning she was a bit more alert than she typically is when not around her puppies. So do with that what you will and know that we recommend slow and fully supervised intros to children for any new-to-you dog.

This little lady has a good medium energy level. She absolutely loves to wrestle and play with other dogs. Shug also loves to play with toys quite a bit and will collect them on her bed. She especially loves to pull little pieces at a time off of any of her stuffed/cloth toys. She does not need a high amount of exercise every day to be happy but would also love to go for long walks and other more active things once in a while too.

Shug has done very well with all other animals she's met. She can get a little bit overwhelmed when initially meeting new dogs if they're rambunctious, so I just advocate for her and make sure the new dog gives her space at first if she looks nervous. She's loved played chase and wrestling with my younger resident dog and basically any dog that will play with her. The only thing she hasn't cared for is when other dogs come at her food bowl when she's eating but I just feed her in her crate and haven't had issues. She tends to be relatively submissive with other dogs. She currently lives with my two cats as well and has never really paid much attention to them.

She is a very quiet dog overall which would make her great for apartment living if that's an environment you currently live in. She is crate trained and is very quiet when left alone either in her crate or isolated in a spare room. The only time she really ever barks is once in a while when someone is passing by the yard but even then, not often. My neighborhood is not super active but she's still one of the quietest dogs I've fostered over the years. As I mentioned, she loves to shred her toys a little so while she is not destructive and hasn't chewed on non-toys ever here, I would recommend doggie-proofing your space if you want to leave her free roaming. She seems to be potty trained overall and only had a handful of accidents after giving birth when her digestion was really funky (labor is intense so that's pretty normal).

Shug tested positive for Lymes disease so she’s been treated with a round of antibiotics. She does not show any signs of active infection.

Shug is such an incredibly sweet dog that just wants lots of love and snuggles from her humans. Oh, and a handful of toys she can hoard on her bed. :) Any family would be so lucky to have this beautiful young lady.



