
Catahoula/Cur Mix | male | 2 Years Old | 50 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Housebroken! ✔️ Good running buddy! ✔️ Could do well in an apartment!

Scout found his family on 10/11/2022!



Scout moved in with a new foster, and has been learning new boundaries, and working on developing a calm mindset when hanging out around the house. He is absolutely an extremely friendly boy who would love to share all of his love and kisses with an active family. He is a sweet pup with so much love to give!

He behaves wonderfully while on walks, and responds well to clear guidance using a prong collar. He is very friendly with most dogs and people he meets while out on walks, and is working on reigning in his excitement when meeting new potential playmates. He even does well with short visits inside some of the dog-friendly shops in his new neighborhood, where he’s become a well known guest. 

He’s a smart fella, and learned commands like sit, down, shake, and roll over very quickly. The trickier ones he’s still working on are things like stay, settle, place, and just a general calm state of mind while at home. He has lots of physical and mental energy, and is always looking for ways to channel it. He’s made great progress, but still has moments when he’s exhausted his capacity for calm and restraint and gets a little wild. He’d do great in an active home, with productive outlets for his energy, be it people or other dogs to train and play with, durable treat puzzles, a yard for fetch, long walks or runs. And with his high energy and how quickly he learns tricks, he’d probably do great with agility training! He’d do great in a household that will continue working on teaching him boundaries, self control, and provide plenty of structure to help him develop these skills. 


Scout starts his day at around 7:30 AM for his first walk. He takes a big stretch after coming out of his crate and flops down for his morning pets. He is then ready to start the day with his first walk. His foster mom takes him around the neighborhood for about a half-hour. During the week, he is then crated for most of the workday with an hour-long break during the lunch hour for another walk. Once his foster mom returns home from work, he goes on his hour-long evening walk. He usually still has plenty of energy in the evenings, which his foster mom tries to channel into a dog enrichment toy or chew toy. He is then crated for bedtime at around 11 PM.

Scout is an extremely friendly boy! He loves to make both human and dog friends. He requests to say hello to every human that he comes across on walks. He is a huge ham and loves receiving any and all attention and pets. As he is a former stray, we are still working on his manners and not jumping on new people when he gets excited.

Scout has not been exposed to children in his current foster home, but his previous foster says he does well. He would likely be too excited for young kids.

Scout is a high-energy pup whose excitement needs to be channeled productively. He would be perfect for a home with another medium-to-high-energy dog sibling to wrestle with. He would also be great for an active family who would be willing to take him on outdoor adventures, on runs, or to the dog park. He does pretty well on a leash, but does pull when he sees a potential human or dog friend. He would also do best with a family willing to work with him on training to learn boundaries in the home.

Scout has not had a great deal of exposure to other dogs, but he is always outgoing on walks and loves to make new friends. His previous foster said that he does well.

Scout has not been exposed to cats in his current foster home, but his previous foster has said he does well. Scout has demonstrated a high prey drive and would need to be separated from any small pets like rats or guinea pigs.

Scout was positive for Anaplasmosis, a tick-borne disease, in March but is not showing any clinical signs. A positive result for Anaplasmosis just indicates antibodies to this bacteria, not necessarily active infection. Per our rescue protocol, he is currently being given a round of antibiotics.

Scout is an extremely friendly and boy who would love to share all of his love and kisses with an active family. He is a sweet pup with so much love to give!



