
cur Mix | Female | 6 years Old | 41 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Good with cats! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner!

✔️ Walks well on leash!

Sadie found her forever home on July 28, 2022!


Sadie sleeps overnight in her crate and will wait patiently for you to do your morning routine. Around 6 or 7 am, we usually spend some time in the backyard and go on a 30-minute walk. She gets breakfast and then goes in her crate while I work from home. Mid-day I let her out to hang out in the backyard and watch squirrels (her favorite activity) or play with toys. She goes back in her crate for the afternoon, and is let out afterwork. We spend some time outside, eat dinner and then Sadie will usually curl up on a dog bed with a bone.

Sadie gets full body wiggles when she gets to meet someone new. She is very gentle when greeting a new person, she will go up to them and wait patiently to see if she will get pets.

Sadie has not been exposed to children while in my foster care.

Sadie is a low to medium energy dog. Shoes goes on one 30-minute walk a day (though she wouldn't mind another one, if you're up for it) and will spend sometime playing with toys or chewing on bones throughout the day. Sadie is an excellent walking buddy. She will heel on your left-side with a loose leash. Sadie has a high squirrel drive. When squirrels are nearby it's the one time Sadie pulls, but a few pops on her prong collar helps her refocus on the walk.

Sadie does well with dogs. She has given gentle sniffs to the resident dog (who doesn't really like other dogs) through a baby gate and given him space. When out on walks, Sadie is interested in other dogs but pretty neutral. Her foster home down south noted she was good with other dogs of similar energy.

Sadie lives with two cats and she is great with them. When the cats come close to her, her whole body wiggles like she is performing a dance. She gives the cats plenty of space.

Sadie is left in the crate when I leave the house. Sadie initially cries in her crate for 10-15 minutes, but once she settles, she is great in the crate.

Sadie underwent treatment for heartworm this spring. Dogs can still test positive for heartworm for up to six months after treatment is complete, so retesting is recommended in the fall to make sure she’s clear. She also tested positive for Anaplasmosis, a tick-borne disease, in July but is not showing any clinical signs. A positive result for Anaplasmosis just indicates antibodies to this bacteria, not necessarily active infection. Per our rescue protocol, she is currently being given a round of antibiotics.

Sadie is an incredibly gentle, sweet dog that's easy to live with.

Sadie is the mom to 7 lovely puppies that found their forever homes through Fetch while she underwent treatment for Heartworm. She’s been patiently waiting and now that her treatment is complete, she’s ready to call a family her own. Could that be you?



