
shepherd Mix | Female | 1 year Old | 51 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Housebroken! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Good running buddy! ✔️ Enjoys doggy daycare!

✔️ Walks well on leash! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner!


Ruthi found her person August 2, 2021!


Ruthi spent the 4th of July weekend at a sitter’s house - the sitter reported that Ruthi was “absolutely wonderful” and got along well with their resident dog as well as a friend’s dog. The sitter also reported that the fireworks did not bother Ruthi at all, and she slept thru the night in her crate with no fuss.


Ruthi has changed a lot in the four weeks that we've had her. She is more accustomed to the crate now, and will go in willingly if you toss a treat in there and hang out in there quietly. She is still going to doggy daycare three times a week, and now looks forward to seeing her human and canine friends at Dog Dog Daycare. The first time we dropped her off, she kept trying to sneak back out the door but now she runs right over to the staff with her tail wagging :) She has also gotten used to riding in the car; there's less anxious pacing and she lays down for most of the ride. As she's settled in with us, she doesn't seem as anxious to know what we're doing every second of the day, and will relax on the couch most of the day. You will often find her sleeping on her back with all four legs in the air like a goofball. She still gets excited when she sees rabbits and squirrels on walks, but for the most part doesn't react to other dogs or people we see on walks. Ruthi is a VERY good girl and would love to find her forever home soon!


Ruthi continues to flourish at daycare - her progress reports say that she plays well with all the dogs she's met! She has also been making great strides with crate training. She no longer barks in her crate during the day :) She is also getting along well with our resident dog. Ruthi is also coming out of her shell and letting our neighbors pet her when we go on walks. She also likes to try and catch fireflies because she is a big goofball. Have I mentioned that she is super well house trained and has had ZERO accidents in the 2 weeks we've had her?? She would be a super easy dog for a first time dog owner!


Ruthi has been going to daycare at Dog Dog Daycare this past week, and the staff there have reported that she plays GREAT with other dogs and has made some human and canine friends there as well! She has also been doing better with crate training (the dogs are sometimes crated at daycare as well) especially if she has a nice bone to chew on. After a week here, she has also grown more confident, and will let strangers approach her on leash - still a bit skittish in the beginning but warms up much faster! She has proven to be a master snuggler and is a real goofball who loves to play!


Ruthi is an early riser and will let you know she is ready to start her day. She gets let out to go potty and then eats her breakfast around 6am. She gets a quick walk and then goes in her crate on a workday. If I'm working from home she will hang out at my feet until noon, when I let her out or walk her again. Then she naps for most of the afternoon until I'm off work, and then we have some play time in the backyard and I feed her and take her on a longer walk. She gets one more walk before bed time, and then spends the night in her crate.

She is more comfortable meeting someone off leash. She has a mixed reaction when meeting people on leash; some people she is fine approaching, and others she will just bark at. Ruthi generally warms up to strangers pretty quickly.

Ruthi has met our neighbor's toddler - we went over to their backyard for a playdate with their dog and the three-year-old child was chasing Ruthi around. She did not seem phased as she was off leash and could run away if needed.

I would describe Ruthi as medium to high energy. She is still a young pup and loves to play with squeaky toys. She is pretty good at fetch indoors, but not outdoors (she will retrieve maybe 60% of the time). We have a resident dog and Ruthi is always trying to engage her in play. Our dog is older, so Ruthi runs laps around her. She loves to chase and wrestle other dogs. As far as leash walking, Ruthi could use some more practice in this department. She pulls, especially when she sees squirrels, birds, or rabbits. She occasionally barks at other dogs or people, but I would not say she is leash reactive.

Ruthi gets along ok with our resident dog who is about the same size as her; she has met our neighbor's dog (20 lbs smaller) and played nicely with him. She is generally playful toward other dogs, more so off leash. She does seem wary of people and dogs when they approach her while she is leashed.  Ruthi has not had any exposure to cats so far.

When we have to leave the house, we usually crate Ruthi. She does not enjoy this and will let you know by barking and whining as soon as you've left the house. For this reason, I do not think she would be good for someone in an apartment/shared walls. We have not observed Ruthi chewing on anything she isn't supposed to or having accidents in the house, so I suppose you could leave her out when you are gone, but we would prefer to keep her separate from our resident dog when we are not around to supervise.

Ruthi is a real sweetheart and loves people. She has a lot of energy and would be perfect for someone with an active lifestyle.



