
Terrier Mix | male | 7 Years Old | 55 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with dogs after slow intros! ✔️ Good with cats! ✔️ Can free roam when alone! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Walks well on leash! ✔️ Great running buddy! ❌ Needs an experienced owner without kids!


Congrats to Roman on his adoption August 14, 2020!


Time flies when you are having fun!  Roman's update is long overdue!  Roman has added so much laughter, happiness and surprisingly structure to our home. This guy loves a schedule and we have it down now. If you've read the previous post, the routine is the same, but on those days when we are lazy, or running behind for his walk he will bring your shoes and his leash to you. Sounds annoying, but it's adorable and when he's wagging and wiggling with his leash in his mouth he's irresistible. 

When Roman first came to us, we had an adjustment period in which we were concerned that he wouldn't be ok living with another dog.  However, we realized our resident dog had her own sharing issues  and Roman just  didn't take her guff. We now feel that he would probably enjoy sharing a home with a dog who is on the submissive side or a dog who knows how to share. For example, a 6 weeks ago,"new" Roman and our jerkish, insecure dog couldn't share toys..we pulled them all up. After time, slow introduction and watching for funny dog body language, they now share, play tug, wrestle and chase. 

Roman is visually impaired, which originally we were thought would work to our advantage with all these teenage dumb rabbits on our walks, Now they work together, resident dog alerts Roman or if Roman smells it he gives a "haruph" and there they pull. Otherwise, except for rabbits Roman is still pretty good on a prong collar.

Since our walks around the neighborhood are routine, we've been mixing it up with Roman and walking to new places. In a new place or new walk, Roman's nose is to the ground his tail is up and  wagging. He responds well to prong collar communication and yummy treats.

Roman still would do best in a home without children, mainly because of his vision. He's not necessarily startled by noises or fast movements, but it's better to keep things more predictable. He's so very funny, sweet and his big pitty kisses in the morning are the best. We only know that he came from a shelter where he was surrendered due to divorce, but from his behavior, it seems he's known nothing but love, a soft bed and lots of snuggling. That's what he's looking for again. Reach out and  meet Roman-you won't regret the experience. 


Roman wakes up at 6 am everyday ready to go and filled with excitement. He grabs his favorite toy and we go out to use the restroom. He is pretty chill throughout the day per our-Secret-Roman-Spy-Camera. The longest he has been alone and “holding it” has been 8 hours so far.

He interacts well with everyone we've met. Sometimes if people are just outside his visual field he tugs on his leash, but all our neighbors who have met him have had positive interactions with him. Our friend’s teenager came over yesterday and he immediately melted in her arms in a squiggly ball of kisses

Roman loves getting out to explore. He's high energy when he wants to play and walk but sleeps throughout the day. Roman doesn't seem to have as much energy in the heat or when it rains, but he will walk with you anyway. Roman is leash trained, but tugs when he sees something exciting. Roman does really well with fetch and playing in open areas.

He is interested in the resident cat and responds to her redirection (hissing) and backs off if he gets too close. With dogs it’s questionable if he’s had much socialization in the past. He’s generally very friendly, but it doesn’t appear as he either can read, or understand dog body language or cues well.

When Roman first came to our house he cried and barked the first day on and off after we left for work. He likes to sit on an ottoman and watch the neighborhood and will bark if he sees someone walking by the house. Now, after settling down in a routine, he basically sleeps most of the day and rotates between his crate, a dog bed, and mainly the couch. He isn’t destructive or chews shoes, socks, pillow and appears to be able to hold it for 8 hours

Roman is the full package, sweet, cuddly, good on a leash, house trained, and doesn’t destroy your home. The ideal home will embrace his goofy, smooshy face and love the fact that everywhere you are, is where he wants to be. He just needs a little extra help with his eye and skin management.



