
Rhodesian Ridgeback Mix | male | 1 year Old | 53 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Housebroken! ✔️ Can free roam when alone! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Enjoys doggy daycare!

❌ Some separation anxiety! ❌ Working on leash manners!


Officially adopted on March 27, 2021!


Robie has starting attending Waggin’ Tails Doggy Daycare throughout the weekdays. He gets so excited as soon as we pull up and starts wagging his tail. Daycare has allowed him to gain socialization skills and help reduce significant amounts of his energy. Since taking him to daycare we have seen a significant change in behavior. When he gets all his energy out, Robie is much more manageable. This seems to be the only/ best way we have been able to get his high-energy behaviors under control.


Robie is such a sweet pup! He has been with us for a couple of weeks now and his personality is starting to shine. While he is a sweet, sometimes cuddly pup, he also is a handful and needs someone who will work with him on skills and manners. On walks, Robie is a handful. We started using a prong collar to help with his pulling as he’s very strong, which worked at first, but now is starting to get used to it and is starting to pull again. He is very strong, he needs someone who will be able to handle and control him or he will pull you down. While on walks he has really bad leash reactivity towards other dogs and the starship delivery robots downtown.

He loves to play with other dogs and does well! He just gets soooo excited to meet all dogs and doesn’t understand some dogs don’t like his rough playing. He also has very strong hunting innate abilities. On walks, every time walking by bushy areas he will lunge at random things or small animals. It’s hard to control him when he sees these bushy areas and he will try to jump in and out of all bushes and small plants. Sometimes he will also try and jump on people walking by.

Inside Robie does pretty good! He isn’t crate trained, when we leave he is allowed to roam the house and does great. At night Robie will curl up in one of our beds and stay there all night.

Robie is very high energy, where he needs lots of room to run. Currently, Robie is staying in a four-bedroom apartment and sometimes it’s not enough space for him. He gets the zoomies a ton. We try and take him on about four, hour-long walks and it typically isn’t enough exercise for him. So, we’ve noticed that when we allow him to run in a backyard with other pups, it gets a good amount of his energy out and he’s more controllable inside. He really can control his high energy when indoors, (as long as he gets the proper mental stimulation and exercise throughout the day) as soon as he steps outdoors his energy level increases significantly.

Robie is finally starting to recognize his name and turn towards us most of the time when we call his name. He’s also getting the hang of sit. He destroyed all the toys we got him but hasn’t chewed on anything that’s not his toys. He does love to dig in the trash, so we have to monitor that constantly. He definitely is a handful but keeps you on your toes.

He will definitely benefit from someone who will spend the time to work with him and teach him manners and train him. He needs someone who is (at least slightly) experienced in working with a pup that has a lot of energy, destructive behaviors, and a lack of training (as he doesn't know much & doesn't like to listen).



