
Blue Heeler Mix | male | 5 Years Old | 45 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ✔️ Could live in an apartment! ✔️ Walks well on leash! ✔️ Can free roam when alone! ✔️ Good running buddy!

Robert found his forever home on July 1, 2022!


Robert is such a good boy! He loves getting pets and snuggling on the couch or bed with the humans above all things. He's happy to go for a decent length walk (he seems to tire out after about 3 miles or so), but is totally cool with lounging around all day too. He would fit in well with either a medium or a low energy household.

Robert is very quiet, so he would be a good apartment dog. He loves going for rides in the car. He is "crate trained" to the extent that he is quiet and non-destructive when he is put in his crate. He clearly doesn't like the crate, however, so will not enter it voluntarily even with yummy snacks as a lure. He won't struggle against you if you put him in the crate, he just doesn't want to go in on his own. Fortunately, he is such a good boy that he has earned free roaming privileges and has done well alone in the house when the fosters are gone.

Robert knows his name, "sit" and "come." He likes to play fetch for a couple throws, but mostly he just likes napping, hanging out with the humans, or looking out the window. He sleeps through the night on his own dog bed, and has learned that he can only jump on the human bed with an invitation.

Robert has several cracked and worn down teeth, so he prefers to eat soft food. He has dental work scheduled in July but can be adopted prior to this procedure and Fetch will cover the cost. He had elevated sodium and white blood cell count in his initial bloodwork and because we are uncertain as to the cause, he will be re-checked prior to dental surgery to determine if it is an ongoing issue.

Robert was positive for Anaplasmosis, a tick-borne disease, in June but is not showing any clinical signs. A positive result for Anaplasmosis just indicates antibodies to this bacteria, not necessarily active infection. Per our rescue protocol, he is currently being given a round of antibiotics.

Robert does fine with other dogs being around (not leash reactive at all), but he just doesn't seem to be interested in interacting with them. He takes on a bit of a grumpy old man vibe if other dogs get too much into his space. If he had a fist, he'd probably shake it at them. Instead, he lets out a little low grumble to let the dog know he isn't interested. Robert does very well being the only dog in a household - he's much more interested in humans than other dogs. The Southern fosters indicated that he was good with living with dogs, cats and children though. He is super gentle taking treats from a hand and is very polite on the leash. Robert is very much a little gentleman!



