(Rob Lowe) Rider

Dachshund | 8 Years Old | MALe | 16 LBs

QUICK FACTS: 🐕Dog friendly 🐱Cat friendly 👶Kid friendly 🐶Senior doggo! 🐶Special needs! 💤Crate trained 🏠House trained 🐕‍🦺Walks well on leash 🚗Good in the car 🥰Snuggle Pup 😀Friendly ✔️ Can free roam when humans are gone!

Introducing Rider, Rob Lowe Rider, that is! Rider is a sweet & comical dog looking for a loving forever home. Rider is a true lap dog who loves snuggling, receiving pets from strangers, and being cozy under blankets. He is good with kids but wouldn't enjoy living with young or rambunctious children full-time.

He is low to medium energy and enjoys walks when it is nice out, but he is perfectly content to snuggle & play with toys when a walk isn't possible. He can keep up on long walks or hikes, and his little legs can move very quickly (which is hilarious)! He walks well with a harness but does pull to chase critters and bark at dogs we walk past. This behavior is improving as he is quickly learning that he gets treats if he remains calm. He is scared of big dogs but is generally fine meeting small & medium dogs.

Rider co-exists with my dog but doesn't play with her. He would prefer to be an only dog so he can receive all the attention and not feel the need to resource guard his food & toys. His southern foster said he is good with cats. He is house-trained and cries on/off while crated, so he free roams now and does great with this. Rider is quiet (occasionally whines) and does well living in my apartment.

Rider is a hilarious little man whose favorite sleep position is on his back with his head under a blanket (typically snoring), and he greets visitors by bringing them a squeaky toy. He is so smart too! No one who meets Rob Lowe Rider can believe he is 8 years old because he is so full of life & love. He is the perfect mix of active & snuggly!

Rider has a grade 2-3 heart murmur that does not require any care at this time but will need to be monitored as he ages. He will be neutered & receive a dental soon!



