
rat terrier/dachshund Mix | Female | 6 months Old | 11 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs and kids! ✔️ Good with cats! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Good in car! ❌ No apartments!


Rhy found her wonderful parents on July 23, 2021!


Rhy has been doing better greeting new guests. We had a friend (adult) stop by the other night and she didn't bark at all. He is pretty familiar so just walked in the house so she didn't have time to get worked up.

She also met some kiddos (3 dog savvy girls ranging in age from 3-8). She was a bit timid at first and barked, especially as they moved around. You could tell she was very curious though, watching them intently as they moved around the yard. They gave her lots of space and let her approach them and after about a half hour she was noticeably more comfortable. The 4 year old sat quietly next to her for about ten minutes and that really seemed to help her settle. After a half hour, she wasn't barking at all, even with the girls running/cartwheeling around the yard. She would be good in a home with kids as long as they were patient and gave her time to settle in before approaching. Once she warmed up, she was giving kisses, tail wags and rolling over for belly rubs.


Meet Rhy!  This spunky little lady is one of a kind.  They say she is part rat terrier and part doxie but I swear she has at least a little bit of flying squirrel in there somewhere.  She loves to zip around the yard, making flying leaps up on your lap, back down to zip around the island with the other pups and quick hops onto the back of the couch for a snooze or a short break to recharge.  Girl has got some energy but also loves to snuggle in with her people.  She is the perfect sized lap dog and at 6 months and only 11 lbs, she will stay pretty small.  

Rhy and her littermates were pretty undersocialized when they first came into care.  Very timid and unsure of new people.  Rhy settled in quickly with her Louisiana foster people and learned to trust.  When she arrived here in Wisconsin, she was a little timid initially but opened up very quickly with all the pups and people in her foster home.  She is excited to greet everyone in the morning and is a happy, pleasant pup throughout the day.  She loves to play and explore outside in the yard.  She will have you know she is an EXPERT toad hunter. She is also a curious, little sass that will sneak under the fence if given the opportunity.  She is entertaining, affectionate and very interested in getting lots of attention from her people. 

She spends her days practicing crate training, playing in the yard with her foster siblings and emptying out the toy box.  She loves meal times, though eats slowly so we have to feed her separately otherwise the other dogs will steal her food. She plays hard and crashes hard after lots of playtime. After a busy day of playing, she  loves to snuggle near the humans and other pups as the evening winds down.  

Rhy does well potty training when let out regularly.  She goes outside right away after being let out of the crate, naps or bouts of heavy playtime.  She will occasionally have accidents though so she will need to be watched closely.  She is used to being crated throughout the day with several breaks.  She is usually crated for a couple hours at a time and then gets a 20-30 minute break to get her wiggles out.  Right now she is crated out of sight from me when I work with but within earshot so she can still hear me and she does really well. Overnight she is crated across the bedroom from me and sleeps well through the night.

Rhy really loves her people but is still unsure with new people.  She will bark at the neighbors when she can hear them on the other side of the fence (especially the rowdy neighbor kids).  She will also bark at new people when they come into the house but then tends to be pretty submissive.  She tends to do better with more confident pups to model after.  We have not observed Rhy with kids at all.  

She currently has three other pups in her foster home; two adult dogs and a younger puppy. She plays mostly with the other puppy in her foster home but makes daily attempts at convincing the older pups they should be best friends.  She has met new pups in our home and is a little overwhelmed at first (barks) but warms up to them quickly.  She gets excited for time with the adult pups but she can be a little in the face and needs some help remembering to give them some space. Overall she is pretty submissive with the older pups and she does take correction from them pretty well.  She would do great either with or without another doggo in her forever home.  

Rhy does have a kitty in her foster home.  She is interested in the kitty and tries to lick/play with the cat. She will chase if the cat runs.  Our younger cat does not correct the puppies at all so it's hard for them to learn boundaries.  Based on my observations, I think she could live with a cat but would need supervised interaction and some correction from both felines and humans so she can learn those boundaries.

Rhy gets most of her energy out playing with the other pups in her home.  She loves wrestling and playing chase.  She is a higher energy gal that loves being outside.  She does ok on leash.  She is excited to be out adventuring and is pretty easy to keep moving.  She does bark when she sees other dogs so will need some correction with that. She does well in the car (crated) and settles in fairly quickly for the ride. 

When we leave, she needs to be crated as she is still very much a puppy.  She will chew on cords, shoes, scraps on the floor, etc so will need to be closely monitored.  She crates well though and is mostly quiet while we are gone.  She will bark if she hears random noises so she may not be a great fit for housing with shared walls.  

We have loved having this quirky, hilarious, little pup with us and know she will charm her forever family quickly!



