
Pug | Female | 1 Year Old | 13 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Potty trained! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Walks well on a leash! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ✔️ Could live in an apartment!

Poppy found her family on 12/5/2022!



Poppy proudly struts in her prancy walks around the neighborhood. She has quickly adapted to the Wisconsin winters and loves to be outdoors. In anticipation of a treat or meal, she does a happy dance in circles before sitting and waiting for the yummy. All around good dog in search of her forever home!


Poppy sleeps a full night without waking most of the time in her crate, but she also loves a good snuggle in bed. She potties first thing in the morning, then breakfast and free roams, playing with toys and dog chews. After a morning walk, she goes into her crate when we are gone for a few hours - she might whine for a few minutes or less but settles down well. When we return, she goes directly outside to potty, then back inside for a noon snack (frozen plain yogurt with a bit of peanut butter mixed in and stuffed into a kong or hollow marrow; she also loves pizzles and yak cheese--both will keep her busy for hours). In the late afternoon, she goes out for another walk and playtime with the resident dog. Poppy loves looking out the window, playing with her toys, and hanging out and snuggles in with her humans when we are reading or doing another relaxing activity. She sometimes gets the zoomies after coming in from the cold and potty and will race around the house until she tires out. This Texas pup is not used to Wisconsin winters and shivers when outside, but loves her winter jacket to keep her warm. After playtime, she has supper, then dog chews before snuggling and getting ready for bed. We give her a greenie/fresh breath chew at bed as her signal to go to sleep. She goes in her crate well and sleeps there all night. This is a wonderfully sweet pup who loves everyone she meets.

Poppy has been a dream meeting new people. She happily greets everyone, including workers who have come to the house as we remodel our kitchen--no problems and loves their attention. When walked, she does not adversely react to other dogs or people--likes them all. While watching out our window, if a neighbor passes by with their dog, she barks, but her bark is pretty quiet.

Poppy has not been introduced to children while in our care.

Poppy is great on leash and loves her twice daily walks. She is a medium energy pup and is playful with our dog.

Being a tiny pup (13 lbs), she is initially shy with larger dogs but quickly makes friends with them after a few sniffs and assurance they are okay. She has had interactions with a variety of dogs, large and small, and does well.

We have not had an opportunity to introduce Poppy to cats.

We typically do not have our fosters free roam when we are gone, but she does well in the crate. She does free roam when we are home and does well.

Poppy would make a great pup for just about anyone. As a pug, she grunts and snorts a bit with her breathing and is quite the snorer in a deep sleep. Because she is tiny and dislikes the cold, I pick her up and carry her outside into the yard, then stay with her while she potties or else she makes a beeline for the door to get out of the cold (or she goes potty when we walk). I am not sure how she would do with a family of young children only because we have not introduced her to them--so just slow intro to kiddos until you know how she reacts.



